Principles underlying Cocurricular Activities


“Co-curricular refers to activities, programs, and learning experiences that help what students are learning in school, their experiences that are connected to the academic curriculum.

If cocurricular activities are to serve their avowed purpose of helping a student a student to achieve of well-adjusted personality, certain education principles should underly the organization and administration of these activities. The application of the principles listed below is discussed in connection with various kinds of cocurricular activities:

1.      Every pupil of the school, regardless of his/her degree of achievement in regular school workshould be afforded an opportunity to participate in some form of cocurricular school activity.

2.      All activity should present the cooperation of pupil and faculty members, since teachers and as well as pupil are citizens of school community.

3.      All activities should be in lieu with school idols and practices and should be subjected to administrative control.

4.      Every activity should be aimed, directly of indirectly, towards the achievements of desirable social, civic and moral idols.

5.      A constructive and well-balanced program of student activity should be initiated and organized through pupil-teacher-principal cooperation.

6.      The program of activities should fit the size, the educational level and the individual interest of the student. Too many student activities are as undesirable as to few.

7.      Each activity should be democratically organized and conducted.

8.      Activity sponsor should be selected in terms of their temperamental, educational and experiential suitability.

9.      As far as possible, cocurricular activity should be schedule during the school day in the school building or on the school ground.

10.  While planning the cocurricular program, attention should be given to the student special interest and ability and provision should be made for the development of these through encouragement of student membership in an appropriate cocurricular activity.

Cocurricular Activities holds value to the individual and to the school as a whole. These activities are not something merely added to a traditional program. They stand as directed and supervised learning experiences, planned by the group, adapted to the needs of the group, and appraised for social, educational, and health values.

-          Dr. Bhavna Joshi,

-           Assistant Professor, JIE



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