Sexual Exploitation: It's impact on gender equality
The Longed debate This brief note summarises the recent literature on harlotry, sexual exploitation and its impact on gender equivalency for the corresponding own- action report of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality( FEMM). Generally, it can be said that, in transnational law and in the literature, harlotry is hardly separated from sexual exploitation and trafficking in mortal beings, while some of the recent literature points to the complexity of the issue with harlotry taking place at the crossroad of culture, power, and difference. Historically, the views on harlotry and sexual exploitation have been bandied extensively and with different focuses in politics, by civil society organisations, and by academics. Women’s rights groups, sexists, and so- called' coitus sexists' have argued about the right approach, i.e. whether a difference can be made between voluntary and forced harlotry. The voices of women working in the co...