Preserving Tradition & Ethics

Gradually, a shift can be seen in the moral and ethical values that are being passed on to the next

generation. Youth wish to opt for western culture instead of Indian Tradition and ethical values.

There are many reasons for this shift, as this change is noticeable, must act as a trigger for better

building of our future generations, because one gets attracted towards an easy path, may it have

repercussions later.

Indian tradition and ethical values are eternally rich and can be followed easily just with its

understanding. The holistic and rich Indian tradition has always presented the dignity of human

race and its right to live in a respectful and dignified manner. The rich values and ethics that

once existed in India are now gradually disappearing from the era but Indian traditions are being

copied and followed by the Western countries in their social welfare and organizational conduct.

Busy and Working life of parents can be considered as the biggest reason of the transition, these

days parents are too busy and are not able to give much time to their children at the edge. It

requires time to talk, discuss and solve their problems. Story- telling which was the biggest

source of transmitting knowledge, culture, tradition and ethics is now being replaced by

electronic gadgets. Each hand is busy in one or the other electric gadget, may it be of parents,

children or even of infants, which in turn is leaving a deep impact on the ethical values possessed

by the young generation.

Change in education pattern is also contributing towards the turbulence. Most of its credit goes to

well-educated men and women. Before independence, when very few people had access to

formal education, it was imparted through formal gurukuls only. Gradually such institutions

came out of the era and modern education came into being. It was a way of life that educated

people woulddepicted civilised behaviour, good manners, decencyand ethical conduct. As the

Indian education system lead through huge expansion, much effected and picked traits from

west, gradually western education spreaded its roots, the standard on which performance a child/

student is measured as measured by the percentage of marks or grades obtained in the

examinations is on rise to highly risky levels. Somewhere or other it has contributed to teen

suicides.At the advent, unfortunately there is a remarkable decline in theknowledge possessed

about our traditions, ethical &moral values, characterand behaviour of students passing out of

various educational institutions. Majority of the educational institutions, there is a complete lack

of the concept for human development and nation building in the education processthat is being

followed, which actually needs to be in- built. The focus instead, is on making money and

materialism. This has showed gradual depletion of values amongst people and the society as a

whole. This pattern is required to be reversed if we really wish to protect Indian tradition and

ethical values and it needs to surviveand acquire its due position in the world. The mere way to

arrest this decline in the level of ethics is in providing value-orientation in our educational


Further parents are considered to be the first and best teachers, as parents and teachers we must

join our hands together to build the upcoming generations and the nation as a whole. Each one of

us must try to contribute towards the welfare of the young generation to in- build their characters

with the ethical values that we have proudly received from our parents and grandparents.

Dr.Rashi Gupta

Assistant Professor

Department of Management Studies

JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus


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