The Art of Managing Time: A Relative Perspective

 It’s been over 4.5 billion years since the creation of this magnificent planet named Earth. Different species, dynasties, periods existed here but after a specific period of time everything vanished giving a rise to more advanced successors. Between these transitions there was one thing which was constant and till date it is unaffected by the changes no matter what were the circumstances and adversities were there and that immortal entity is “TIME”. In every other sculpture, book, lesson, holy book etc. the thing which is preached and emphasized upon is the importance of time , its’s unpredictability and management . No one can predict the event which is going place in the very next second. There are chances that at one instance you may be enjoying the hot pursuit of your sports car and at very next instance you might crash your most loved machine at a turn. There is a possibility that on a normal day you are following your daily routine and engaged in regular chores and on the very next day you are under a lockdown ( well that’s something which is being experienced by masses across the globe….) . Synopsis of this whole discussion is that “TIME” is always a leader , you can’t turn that into a slave. The only option you are left with is to make it your companion and then become a leader. The leaders around the world be it Elon Musk, Marks Zuckerberg etc. control their time in a way which yields them green paper from every minute of their day. This particular mentality is something which sets them apart from their contemporaries in the field. They never complain about the shortage of time like most of us. Let’s try to be true to ourselves and self-evaluate that how we used this CoViD19 lockdown period. Did we watch series on Netflix or enrolled ourselves in some productive courses on Coursera. Did we binge watched Hollywood movies or we emphasized on our speaking skills. We all know the answer to the questions like these. 1. The first thing we all should focus upon ( even the writer of this piece) is stop complaining. 2. The second step is set your priorities right now, don’t pile up the unnecessary things and give them the priority over other. 3. The third and the career defining step, start acting upon things. Just go and complete the pending work instead of procrastinating day in and day out. The concept of “Time – Management” is not a conventional technique which can be learnt by a guided course. The decision about which path should be taken to reach the ultimate lies in our hand but the companion is same for all and it’s our duty to cope up with it’s speed.


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