JavaScript Closures


Closure is one of the important concept of Javascript. A closure is a function which has access to all variables from the other function. In other words, a closure is child functions which have access to all variables of their parent function. This is been done by creating a function inside the other function and most importantly they outer/ parent function is not able to access to the scope of inner/child function.

In Javascript, the variable scope is either local or global.

Local Variable: variables declared inside the function, function can full access to it. That is a local variable.


<!DOCTYPE html>



<p id="demo"></p>



function add() {

            let a=2;







Output: 4

Global Variable:A function can access the variable defined outside the function. That is a global variable.


<!DOCTYPE html>



<p id="demo"></p>


let a=2;

function add() {







Output: 4

Note: A change is that the “a” variable is defined outside the function it becomes global.


Javascript Closure:

Just like the nested function.

1.      Child function can access to parent function variables.

2.      Parent function cannot access the child function variables.



e.g. of Javascript Closure:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<p id="demo"></p>


function outer() {

var a=4;

      function inner() {

var b=5;



inner(); // called inner function inside outer function


outer(); // called outer function




Output: 20



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