Police encounters are
the violation of the human rights of the person who is actually until not
proven guilty cannot be called as offender or criminal. Sometimes it is being
reported and acknowledged that it is faked also. So what is that law which
allows our executor to take law in their hands? If we will see minutely it is a
direct encroachment of the executor on the judiciary. If the executor will
perform all the functions of the judiciary the there is no use of the criminal
justice system in India, all the decisions of the punishment and releasing of
any person would be taken by the executor, it is a grave violation of
fundamental rights enshrined under the Constitution of India. So the power
exercised by the executor in case of the police encounter is a grave violation
and a direct encroachment over the human rights as well as the fundamental
rights of the criminal. As our constitution of India protects the rights of the
convicted as well as the person in the preventive detention and this police
encounters are the direct violation of the human rights of the criminals. In
India we are taking care of the human rights of a brutal killer like Kasaab but
we are not thinking about the human rights of our own nationals. This extra
judicial killing and fake encounters are the ugly face of our developing
nation. In our country there is no any specific act or legislation which deals
with the police encounter, but there are many other provisions that define the
protection in regard with this act. The Indian Penal Code defines sections
which provide the protection in case of private defence. Right to life is an
inherent right of every person.
Section 97 of the
Indian Penal code defines Right of private defence, this protection provides in
case where an action of assaulting criminals or offenders whose may reasonably
cause the apprehension of death or grievous hurt to himself or to any other
person, this section enables the use of force in self defense. So the action
taken by the police is fully protected by the law.
Section 100 further explains the
various conditions where a person in exercise his right of private defense of
the body may take an extreme step of causing death of the person but defence
can only be taken against a person who is involved in an act which endangers
the life or property of a person against whom force is being used.
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