Post COVID -Blended learning: A new normal

Education is not preparation for life: education is life itself

                                                                                 John Dewey

With the changing times there has been a metamorphosis in our approach to Education according to the needs of students. Pedagogy is developed to adapt the best practices in academia. One of the basic requirements that impact the quality of education is – The teacher and teaching methods. Effective teaching includes reviewing previous knowledge, time to practice, embedding required skills and thereafter scaffold students learning through knowledge.

The COVID pandemic has introduced a new normal – Online teaching learning. Blended learning also known as Hybrid learning gives students more flexibility to customize their learning experiences. Blended learning is a method of teaching that integrates technology and digital media with traditional instructor-led classroom activities. Blended learning does not mean mixing technology and teaching. The in- person and online teaching work hand in hand for effective learning, there is no duplication of content.

Blended learning tools and technology is a combination of appropriate instructions, curriculum and required hardware. It results into enhanced retention in students due to easy access and flexibility.

Some of the models of Blended learning are:

1 .Rotation model: students within a single class rotate between a number of different learning activities. In the Rotation model, students are taught in class.

2. Flex model: students in the Flex model benefit from both learning at their own pace online, as well as from direct teacher guidance in their classroom. As students spend more time learning basic content online, the teacher is able to spend more of their time in enhancing the content areas a student has mastered or finds challenging.

3. Enriched Virtual model allows students are required to  complete the assigned work online, later, if required  in-person learning sessions are conducted with their teacher. 

4. À La Carte model, students have the option to select  courses to take online as a way to supplement their existing course load at their school/ college  campus level,  students may choose to enroll in a course not currently offered by their school/ college,

Most blended learning programs use a computer-based data system to provide continual formative assessments, track each student’s progress, and help to match the learning objectives—whether it is online, one-on-one, or small group—to the appropriate level and topic.

The challenges of online learning is the availability of reliable internet access and/or technology to participate in digital learning

Blended learning can be the catalyst to create a new, more effective method of educating students and may be the ‘new normal’ post COVID.



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