
Showing posts from August, 2020

E-Pharmacy: Opportunities Ahead

  E-Commerce is one of the business segments which is most expanding sector globally. In India also E-Commerce industry is growing at a very fast rate and attracting more and more investors and customers. Though most of the segments of e-commerce are saturated and have stiff competition but still E- Pharmacy is one segment in Indian market that is not widely tapped and having great potential. In Indian e-commerce industry, E-pharmacy is the new vertical which is receiving great attention from government and investors now days.   Current market size of E-pharmacy in India is around $512 million and it is growing at very fast rate and is estimated to reach the figure of US $3,657 million by 2022 growing at a CAGR of 63%. Though the e-pharmacy segment in India is at its budding stage but it is promising the high potential to be one of the large industry segments in the coming future. E-Pharmacy might account for around 15%-20% of the total Indian pharmaceutical sales in the coming 1

Solid Waste Management and Segregation

The waste management is the necessity of today and to manage the household solid waste, waste segregation is first and essential step for waste management as the huge amount of solid waste being generated by the municipalities and which may cause serious problem to the environment and also become a serious threat for the living world. In the municipal solid waste, there are some items like plastic bottles, pouches, glass bottles, foils, metals, boxes etc. are not bio-degradable in nature and can be reused or recycled while certain items in that solid waste can be converted to humus and compost.After the segregation of bio-degradable and nonbiodegradable there may be some itemsin the waste that may not be used anywhere and has to be discarded. So, the household waste must be segregated into different green and blue dustbins according to the categories of the waste such as Wet & Dry Waste which should be segregated and disposed of separately. The wet waste i.e. organic waste whi

Which right shall prevail in case conflict arises between right to health and right to Privacy???

  Healthcare industry is based on fiduciary relation between healthcare providers or Doctor and patients. Patient’s confidentiality and the protection of privacy is the foundation of the doctor-patient relationship. This fiduciary relationship between healthcare providers or Doctor and patients is established through the Indian Medical Council Act of 1952. Section 20(A) of the Act provides the code of ethics for the doctors to follow in their profession.   The concept of Medical confidentiality or privacy provides that every healthcare provider shall maintain all the information of patient safe, received from the patient during the course of the treatment. In healthcare sector privacy includes different aspects like informational privacy, physical privacy, associational privacy, proprietary privacy & decisional privacy. Therefore in right to privacy or confidentiality of individual, personal and medical information is kept confidential between him, the doctor, physician, healthc

The cause and consequences of defiance of Manual Scavengers

  The Manual Scavenging as a profession is universal in nature since long but with the time the conditions of the said employment has been ameliorated due to the proliferation of human right awareness but if we mould the light towards Indian situation, there is hardly any elevation in the position of the people engaged in the field of manual scavenging,. The rationale behind the stagnate condition of people employed as manual scavengers is the survival of cast web in India. The pyramid of caste and creed is so deeply rooted in the Indian society from the time immemorial as it’s not an easy target to catch. In India, it’s not a form of employment but a degradation and a way of demeaning human beings; aiming at a particular class which has been pushed to do such deeds for their survival. There are numerous circumstances and incidents which directly and obliquely adding, contributing and reflecting the conservancy of the outdated tradition even in the contemporary theme of equality and


  While the COVID lockdown period is being phased out, but still online teaching-learning activity will increase to a greater extent. Though we already had number of online teaching portals from big players such as Byju’s, Udemy, Khan Academy, Coursera, Alison, edX, Futurelearn, Udacity etc., then the teaching community from schools, colleges, universities etc. explored and started using the ZOOM, Hello, GoogleClass, Microsoft Teacm etc, These platforms see the number of users doubling during COVID because people are concerned about health and hygiene, and companies are realizing remote work is possible when done properly.   But as far as the education segment is concerned which is basically an examination and evaluation based promotion, so the new business trend is moving in that direction also, and we hope that students could give examination sitting at home.   Software houses started analyzing this gap created by COVID, and felt the pain of worthy faculty, students and the mana

Taking care of our emotional wellness

  As nations acquaint measures with limit development as a component of endeavors to decrease the quantity of individuals tainted with COVID-19, increasingly more of us are rolling out tremendous improvements to our day by day schedules. The new real factors of telecommuting, brief joblessness, self-teaching of kids, and absence of physical contact with other relatives, companions and associates set aside some effort to become accustomed to. Adjusting to way of life changes, for example, these, and dealing with the dread of getting the infection and stress over individuals near us who are especially helpless, are trying for us all. They can be especially hard for individuals with emotional well-being conditions. Luckily, there are loads of things that we can do to take care of our own emotional wellness and to help other people who may require some additional help and care. Here are tips and guidance that we trust you will discover helpful. • Keep educated. Tune in to exhorta

मेहनत का रंग

  चाहने से क्या कुछ नहीं मिल सकता; बस हमारे मन में उस कार्य को करने का जुनून होना चाहिए और हमेस्वयं पर पूर्ण विश्वास भीहोना चाहिए कि हम वह कार्य कर सकते हैं। यह विश्वास हीहमें एक  सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण प्रदान करता है जिससे हमें विभिन्न कार्यों को करने की प्रेरणा मिलती है और हम अपने लक्ष्य की ओर आगे बढ़ते है। इसलिएहमें हमेसा एक दृढ़ संकल्प के साथ निरंतर प्रयास करते रहना चाहिए । हमारे द्वारा किया जा रहा यह प्रयास ही हमे आगे बढ़ाता है और निर्धारित लक्ष्यों तक पहुँचने में हमारी सहायता करता है। यदिहमएक बार अपने लक्ष्य की ओर अग्रसर हो जाये और उसको पाने का भरसक प्रयास करें तो थोड़ी देर में ही सही लेकिन सफलता तो एक दिन अवश्य मिलनी हीहै । जहाँ तक बात सुख- दुःख और कठिनाइयों की है तो यह सभी जीवन के अभिन्न अंग हैं; इनसे बचना संभव नहीं; इसलिए हमे इन सबकी परवाह किये बिना अपने लक्ष्य की ओर अग्रसर रहना चाहिए; क्योंकिसही मायने में सफलतातोवही है जो कठिनाइयों पर विजय प्राप्त करके मिले ।   आज अपने इस लेख के माध्यम सेमैं आप सबको एक ऐसे मेहनतकश, सफाई पसंद, परिश्रमी, ईमानदार और सत्यनिष्ठ व्यक्तित्व के बारे

India- China Relationship

  The committee specifically emphasized that the government should make a deep assessment of the relationship between India and China so as to form a national consensus on how China should be treated. The major observations and recommendations made by the committee are as follows: One Belt One Road Initiative: One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative is a China infrastructure project, which includes the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor- CPEC. The committee noted in its report that CPEC is not acceptable to India as it passes through Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK), which is a violation of India's territorial integrity. The committee has praised India's attitude of strongly rejecting the OBOR initiative proposed by China. It recommended that India should promote its own connectivity projects under various initiatives in response to the OBOR initiative. Apart from this, the committee has also suggested that India aided the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (BRICS Development

Solving Teaching-Learning, Evaluation and Examination Problem

  The outbreak of the COVID19 brought the whole world to standstill, almost every routine processe was effected, education is one of them. No one ever thought that one day the teaching learning pedagogy will change overnight. No one was really prepared with a solution to such a problem. People explored and started finding some solution including online classes through various platforms like ZOOM, GoogleClass, and Microsoft Team, JIO meet and also using messaging aplications like whatsapp. These had their advantages and disadvantages both in terms of commercials, ease of use and usefullness. None of these was a perfect solution. The major issue is the tracking of the students attainment, and various   generating reports.   It is expected that the pandemic situation will exist for couple of months. So help you better understand, a comparison of some of the teaching-learning platform with “Dizitech e-Acad” a state-of-the-art created Desktop Application is given below. Criter