While the COVID lockdown period is being phased out, but still online teaching-learning activity will increase to a greater extent. Though we already had number of online teaching portals from big players such as Byju’s, Udemy, Khan Academy, Coursera, Alison, edX, Futurelearn, Udacity etc., then the teaching community from schools, colleges, universities etc. explored and started using the ZOOM, Hello, GoogleClass, Microsoft Teacm etc, These platforms see the number of users doubling during COVID because people are concerned about health and hygiene, and companies are realizing remote work is possible when done properly.  But as far as the education segment is concerned which is basically an examination and evaluation based promotion, so the new business trend is moving in that direction also, and we hope that students could give examination sitting at home.


Software houses started analyzing this gap created by COVID, and felt the pain of worthy faculty, students and the management. For example though faculty deliver the online lectures through Hello, Zoom, Google Class etc but not able to feel the learning outcome of their students; students for example attend the online class by faculty but not able to cope up as either the faculty video resource is now not with the students or he has to do tedious search through  faculty whatsApp posts etc. Similarly, the institute upper management is at times not very sure about the ongoing teaching-learning activity.


I explored and found eAcad applications that can mitigate this problem, which relieves everyone from this unbearable pain. The “eAcad” application saves the faculty effort; increases the work efficiency thereby helping the students in attaining the desired outcome.


This application is not about delivering online lectures, but provide a classroom like engaging activities such as sharing stuff, home work, class work, assignments their evaluation by the faculty, conduct online sessional examinations or pre-university examination, do the evaluation and share the evaluation with the students. We can reach for eAcad at  

How People do it at Present

Class Room Teaching

Problem Area


ZOOM Live class, and sharing

material through messaging

through some social media

No proper engaging activity

such as assignments, class

work, class tests etc.

No proper engaging activity

such as assignments, class

work, class tests etc.

eAcad- A Teaching Learning, Examination and Evaluation

Class Room Teaching

Problem Area


continue Live sessions

through ZOOM etc

A systematic way of sharing

class notes, assignments and


An effective way of conducting

MCQ and theory examination.

A systematic way of sharing

class notes, assignments and


An effective way of conducting

MCQ and theory examination.


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