Make India Atmanirbhar

Make in India, a dream initiative launched by Our Honourable Prime Minister on 25th September 2014 with the objective to boost manufacturing sector inspiring the peoples of the world to join our India, extract their ideas, convert them into finished results and later sell them to other countries in order to accelerate the economy of India. The basic belief or consideration behind this concept of Make in India was to create a pool of employment to engage our youth by the year 2022. Government planned many schemes to motivate the state governments to contribute to the economic growth of the country. According to the official reports published by PIB (Press Information Bureau) in December 2018 many expansion, development was monitored and reported in different fields.

Present pandemic situation has shaken the economy of the country to its root. Government has approached with a new idea of ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ requesting the people of India to become self reliant. Having faith in oneself can take you to heights. A saying from our prime minister “Go Vocal for Local” is a great push to reduce our dependency on other countries manufactured product. This has posed an opportunity for our manufacturers to produce such products, techniques or jobs for which we depend, import or hire from other countries. Though this pandemic has reduced the production in many firms,  reduced the number of jobs in many sector but if we see the other side of the crisis it has opened the doors of opportunity in many segment, like our country has adapted the technology so intellectually that now our kids are teaching the elders to so brilliantly.



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