Emotional Education: The Need of the Hour

Education and learning are the fundamentals for creating and developing civilized and cultured society. The term education is beyond any limitations the same with the concept of learning. People talk about enhancing knowledge, giving moral education, building discipline, expanding and exploring subjective knowledge and imbibing practical aspect of in it. We are living in that era where people are surrounded by technology. Everyone is complaining about having no time for one another. Due to rapid technological growth and digitalization, Social structure and work culture have become very complex to handle for every single person on earth. People of any age finding it hard to cope up with himself or one another at a personal and professional level. But the question is  'why'. The answer for why lies in emotions. Younger ones, children, teens, youngsters, adults, middle-aged even older and oldest ones are facing problems related to emotions. Emotional troubles, emotional turbulences, mood swings, emotional outbursts, ignorance of emotions, unrecognized flow of emotions, uncontrollable tempers, temperament issues, classes of egos, tendency to surrender against uncontrolled sentiments, anger issues, sudden behavioral changes, etc. are very common among us all. Fear and apathy have become a very common trait of a human being.  We are being victim of modernization, urbanization, industrialization, globalization. Everyone is busy enough to enhance their knowledge updating themselves in terms of information gathering. Enhancing knowledge is important but not without working on your emotions. A balanced and healthy life is the result of a perfect balance between logic and emotion in life. we must nurture ourselves in such a way so that we become not only emotional ones but also emotionally intelligent people. So the answer is being emotionally intelligent, one can conquer the world inwardly and outwardly.  Sadly our education system is lacking in emotional educational it has become today's need. Let's try to understand the concept through certain examples. Students are showing less empathy for their peers who are not as smart as they think they should be. very few people come to rescue those who met an accidents. People feel relaxed in blaming others or the government ignoring their own responsibility towards the nation and its citizens.


Moral education cannot be implemented without emotional education. Now it's high time to include emotional education. It is going to affect directly to our mental health which has a direct impact on our physical health. we are aware that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body same as healthy body is nothing without a healthy mind. Healthy mind doesn't mean only having expertise and knowledge but also having a hold on balanced emotions. If one is not able to happy with the kind of person he or she is that means he/she must learn how to be an emotionally intelligent person. It enables insight and imagination. Every short of Intelligence is connected with a particular set of skills, abilities and expertise. Intelligence doesn't determine happy and satisfactory living so to avoid any mess of personal lives such as restlessness, melancholy, dissatisfaction, intolerance, etc.,   one must not be deficit in emotional intelligence. Emotional education develops sensitivity towards others. This education makes a significant change in a person that he or she will be capable to understand, evaluate, analyze and read the meaning between the lines. Emotionally intelligent person is that kind of person who knows that what is the need of an hour. So Government should include emotional education in the syllabus because now we all held responsibility towards the new generation who is losing faith in themselves very easily now and then which must be stopped. Emotional education will help them to face difficulties in life and to rise again to shine. 





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