Tips to manage the stress

“Stress is fact of life, but it is you who determine, how it will affect your life. You can counter the magnitude of damaging impact through self- potential and self- healing.”

Stresses are inevitable, it can come from the frustration of a traffic jam, work, relationships, heavy workload, extreme time pressure or work deadlines, long commuting journeys and other situations. 

Stress constantly creeps into our lives, everyone worries or gets scared at some point of time. Stress can also be stimulated by challenges related to finances, job insecurities or spiked by a sudden health scare.  It disturbs an individual -physically, emotionally and psychologically.

The Impacts of stress at Workplace

There is always an adverse effect of work place stress on worker as well as on company performance. These effects appear in a continuum, begin as distress in response to stressors. Distressleads to various health problems like blood pressure and anxiety disorder.With such health effects, workplace stress reduces employee productivity, increases absenteeism, increases the number of days taken off work for doctor visits and increases healthcare costs incurred by employers. Workplace stress leadsto more accident, higher rates of injuries and higher turnover rates.
How to cope up with stress at work place?

Cognitive restructuringis an approach to change your perception to look at things, it helps to repel the intensity of impact of stress and retrieve and restore inner peace.

Tip 1: Hit workplace stress by sharing it

Sometimes, simply sharing stress, specifically through face- to-face interaction with someone close to you, is best stress reducer and highly effective way to overcome stress. The other person does not have to solve the problemalways; they just need to be good listener.

Turn to co-workers for support

Having a strong support system at work place protect you from the negative effects of work place stress. You don’t need to fix the problem always, but be there, when your colleagues need you. Make friends at your work place, if you feel you don’t have one, it’s never too late to build new friendship, join club or classes of your interest. Get engage with some social network, helping others that will bring immense pleasure and reduce stress significantly.

Tip 2:  Support your health with nutrition and exercise.

Researches shows that you don’t need to change complete lifestyle, even if you exercise for one hour for three days a week that help you to increase your energy level and make you resilient to stress. Even a small change in life style is hugely effective way to relax and lift your mood. Healthy meals choice at small intervals have also a huge impact on your energy level and focus, it also prevent mood swings.
Tip 3:Improve quality of sleep
Proper sleep enhances your productivity, focus, creativity and problem solving skills. The amount of sleep matters a lot, so aim at having 8 hours of sleep for proper rest. Turn off all screens and avoid stimulating activity before one hour of your bedtime, rather focus on soothing activities like reading or listening to soft music.

Tips 4:  Prioritize and organize your tasks

There are simple and practical steps you can take to control over workplace stress…
Create a work life balanced schedule
All time work and no play is a formula for breakdown. Try to find some time between work and family life, try to make balance for some social activities and daily responsibilities.
Take some time margin 
Even 10-15 minutes timemargin can make the change your habit of always running late to ease into your day. You can set your clocks fast to give yourself some extra time and decrease your stress levels.
Don’t over-commit yourself
If you’ve have got too task to do at one time, try to distinguish between the “should” and the “must.” Avoid scheduling the things back-to-back. Drop the tasks that aren’t truly important, keep them at the bottom of the list or eliminate them.
Prioritize tasks
If a large project seems to be overwhelming, break in in to small steps that are manageable and then focus on one step at a time, rather than taking everything at once. Tackle high-priority tasks on priority. If you have something to do that is unpleasant, get it over with first. Then you will have the rest of your day more pleasant as a result.

Tip 5: Change the habits that contribute to stress

Most of us make job stress worse with our negative thoughts and behavior. If we can change these self-defeating behaviors, it wouldeasy to handle the stress. Don’t set impractical goals for yourself, just aim to do your best and give your 100%, no one ask for more than that.If you focus on the negative side of every situation and interaction, you’ll find yourself exhausted and tired. Try to think positively about your work and feel blessed, keep distance from negative thoughts and negative people.


  1. Useful piece of stress booster

  2. Masterpiece for stress booster 👍

  3. Very useful information in today's time.

  4. very useful information in todays time.

  5. Interesting and stress removing

  6. Great initiative by Jemtec Greater Noida in this pandemic.

  7. Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are

  8. This is quite something to ponder upon and follow

  9. Very much relevant. Useful information.

  10. yes we should manage the stress which is carry in the office, home and etc..

  11. Amid lockdown ..Such article are helpful

  12. The topic and the stress management tips are very much useful and relevant in the present scenario of KOVID-19.

  13. These tips are easy to implement and follow. What a great content.

  14. Really useful at this moment

  15. very important information

  16. The efforts put by Authors really appreciative as we all HUman beings need such tips in time to time; Good write up,

  17. Good steps in order to proliferate positivity specially in present time

  18. Very soothing topic. Nicely written.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.


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