Role of a Teacher in creating an Inclusive Classroom

The teacher for teaching in an inclusive classroom must be aware of #R’s i.e., Rights, Roles and Responsibilities. Every child should be given equal opportunities to learn whether he is dull, bright, visually handicapped, orthopaedic handicapped, hearing impaired, delinquent, emotionally disturbed or otherwise deviant. The teacher should provide specialized instructions and support to the student who is in need without labelling him as disabled exceptional.
Education of children with SEN (Special Education Needs) should be the responsibility of every teacher. The general role and responsibilities of a teacher in inclusive settings can be summed up as under:
·         Helping the child to grow his potentiality to the optimum.
·         To help students comprehend physical, mental, cognitive differences in humans.
·         Providing enhanced opportunities for overall development of child’s physical, cognitive, emotional and social skills.
·         Following the policy of ‘zero rejection’ which means that everyone should be welcomes in the class.
·         Providing equal opportunities to each child to participate in class room activities and school programmes according to his/her capability.
·         Fostering positive attitude among students.
·         Helping parents, voluntary organizations and educational planners in understanding the problems of exceptional children.
·         To prepare curriculum which is well suited for maximum learning of specially-abled children.
·         To encourage specially-abled children to attain their maximum potential.
·         Ensuring progress by continuous reassessment of disabled children.
·         Maintaining contacts and linkages with other professionals working for the welfare of disabled children.
·         Participating in parents and community orientation programmes.
·         Making arrangements for providing appropriate individualized instruction.
·         Determining goals for each student that are appropriate and realistic.
·         Providing students with career counselling and help to learn routine skills.
·         Providing broader scope to the disabled to live in a social world.
·         Developing self confidence in children and encouraging them to meet the challenges of life.


  1. Awakening and very interesting

  2. We appreciate the Teacher's vital role in creating an Inclusive classroom

  3. Informative and helpful

  4. Toughest task for a teacher. But a right methodology helps and make this a simple

  5. Very useful & important...

  6. Most stressful job in the world!

  7. very useful and knowledgeable information ma'am 😊😊👌👌

  8. Proud to be a teacher

  9. Beautiful profession...., Proud to be a teacher

  10. Teachers ha e been the most important role players in one's life. Nicely explained.

  11. Teachers are nation builders.

  12. Teachers are the reformers of the society

  13. Marvelous Mam. Keep it up

  14. Classes are the processing room for teacher to create a better person and knowledge..

  15. Nicely explained about teachers role in the society


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