Green GDP

Green GDP is a word coined as a GDP after the compensation of environmental damages. Due to climate change losses in biodiversity takes place and depletion in available resources takes places. The accountability of using natural resources is to be determined and factors likes water and air pollution and flood needs to be considered. The economic development of country can’t be measured only on the basis of economic progress, an essential constituent named as ecological development needs to be measured by analytical analysis of environment wealth state wise.
Green GDP is essential because the cost of maintaining the degradation of natural resources requires huge amount. Initially the information related to total amount of surface water and utilization ratio was not considered. The equipment cost, involved human cost and infrastructural cost are considered as basic building block of green GDP. According to World Bank reports in 2013 India suffered a loss of over $550 billion(Approximately 8.5 per cent of GDP) just because of air pollution. The economic cost because of water pollution and land degradation, can be much more.
In India a scheme named ‘green skilling’ have been started by government to involve youth, particularly school dropouts, they will be trained for following purposes:-
·         Operators of instruments used for measuring environmental quality
·         Field maintenance staff of nature parks
·         Tourist guides.
·         Surveyor of land and resources.
It is an international comparison of national expenditure, government spending over and above the normal economical expenses. The budgetary provision and pre-allocation are yet to be finalized in India whereas most of other developing nations have incorporated this. In summarized manner if we see this Green GDP is basically a futuristic approach for  environmental protection, natural resource optimization and management, ecological balancing and substantial development. The supreme difficulty in measuring and controlling the Green GDP is the calculation of the cost of health damage due to industrial pollution, land degradation due to un-utilization, unplanned resource depletion.


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