“Effectiveness of E- Learning Teaching Methods”

I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.’
–Albert Einstein

Action Research is considered an important tool in education system in order to remove the deviations from teaching- learning process, but now the scenario is taking turn towards a different aspect. Personal interaction between pupil and his teacher is on decreasing edge. Schools and colleges are slowly looking at technology as an opportunity to develop teaching methods and resonate with students on a technology level. Regardless of age, almost everyone owns a smartphone. Google is our information center, and Wikipedia is our guide book, Thesaurus is our word finder, and Kindle is our textbook. At a time like this, learning to change our teaching methods by incorporating technology is a way to bring light to the lives of our students.
Textbooks, homework, classroom notebooks, whiteboard, chalk, and markers are now moving into the history of Education Systems. Smartboards are introduced where teachers can drag and drop shapes, bring in online calculators on the board, measure with AR tools and voice out the text they want to see on the board. But the question that gets raised out of this all is that how effective this all proves to be for our students. A student using his sense of sight, hear while he is involved in e- learning. This proves to be effective only when his writing skills are developed. In order to use the sense of sight and hearing, the basic requirement of writing and expressing is foremost.
A few hurdles that a student is not able to skip while getting involved in e- learning are that sometimes he/she is not able to have self- discipline, which further affects the level of determination towards goals or success. When there is no face to face interaction between a pupil and his teacher, it lacks in motivation to work hard. However, with more complicated and upgraded skills and competencies, it is incredibly difficult to put together an effective electronic platform. And in the current business environment, these complicated skills are often the most crucial. It may be quoted that e- learning is important for training process execution and for imparting certain kills and categories of knowledge. However, real learning- game changing learning pops out through live connection with a more experienced mentor. Developing a really effective e- learning course it takes time, money and a great amount of expertise. A good e- learning platform involves multimedia, customised web development, technical back support, and strong user interaction design.
Government of India is initiating these e- learning sources through its various online support systems, viz., Swayam Portal provides various MOOCS support, where expert sources from central universities, autonomous bodies and various other educationists are providing a platform for the learners to seek an expert touch for learning. So, it is very important that learners need to initiate themselves to get enrolled in such courses. In today’s digital era a learner has golden opportunities floating online, he just needs to have an attitude to grab it.


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