“Multiplication of Money- a dilemma”

The ancestral human values are being suppressed day by day and the lust towards earning more and more money is at pace. In Metaphysical philosophies, idealism is the one that asserts that reality as humans can know it. Methodologically, idealism exhibits as a scepticism about the possibility of getting aware of any mind-independent thing. In comparison to materialism, idealism propounds the primacy of consciousness as the origin and pre- requirement of material phenomena. But now the race of human beings are not able to judge the right reason of their existence in this mortal world.
Today the inclination is towards the world of money, fame and the so called success has also changed its meaning.The Law of Karma is unerring and everyone without any exception is subjected to it. Sometimes we are heedless to the fact that most of our lifetime is spent in undergoing destiny which is created by our karmas or deeds in our past or present births. As per the law of karma, every positive deed which we do, generates a ‘merit or plus point’; while every negative deed results in a ‘demerit, negative point or sin’ which subsequently we need to repay by encountering happiness or unhappiness in life. All major events in our life are predestined – for instance the family that we are born into, to whom we will get married, will have kids or not, if yes whether they would be healthy, etc. During our day-to-day interactions, we are either settling an old account or creating a new one. In a situation, if an account is not settled in the present birth it is carried over to the next birth. Although, we are not mindfully aware of the give-and-take karmic accounts generated in our present and previous births. In our subsequent births, we may or may not be equipped to settle our fate and the paradox is that at the same time we are creating new karmic accounts.
With time, we didn’t realise that karmic cycle has changed its meaning for human race and we are running only for money whether compromising with our health or it be our parents or kids. Earning money, going to office is the most important. Still this is somewhere or other the demand of the time but it all goes out of order when it come to the principles, people are producing less quality goods and ruthlessly using wrong or illegal ways to earn more, compromising the health of people, sustainability of mother earth, everything is kept aside and is of less importance.
Our life is at stake, sooner or later we have to change the mindset and protect us and our future generations from this dilemma. Perspective towards life must not only be towards earning by wrong or right ways, it must be also check out the plus & minus signs in the karmic cycle and its high time to retain and experience our values and ethics.


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