Present Education System and Values
we talk about education, in general it is understood that in this we get
objective knowledge and on which there can be employment. By such education one
becomes respected in society.
knowledge is also important for the society and the country as the educated
nation can be able to preserve its future. Today no nation can deny the
importance of science and technology, it is used in every area of life. With
the use of scientific methods in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry
Green Revolution and White Revolution can be brought.
objective education is useful in every field but only material things in life
is not important. Study of materials is necessary to improve the physical
condition of the nationandby using the values of life we can choose the right
path of progress. We know how the corruption spread among the people in India
has obtuse the edge of development.
see that every type of crime is increasing in the society due to deprivation of
values. We also see that dissatisfaction is spreading in the valueless society.
As the unemployment increases, many types of challenges like youth discontent appear.
The bureaucrats are plunge into the blindness of corruption, they do not care
about the society or the nation.
these circumstances, self-exploration
becomes mandatory. Is our education system faulty? If education system is
impeccable, then surely there is a defect in individuals? After all, heedlessness
is going on somewhere and ready to prove wrong to right &right to wrong.
you look deeply on the education system, then officially its drawbacks will be
reflected. There is no goal in front of more than half of our educated people,
darkness exists in front of such people.
is fine that some youngsters have succeeded, their fate has contributed, but
what will happen to the rest of the people who have been taught since childhood
that education will save the rest of life. It was better than this that he
learned to knit the mat during fifth standard, learn to make pots, understands
the nuances of agriculture or learned such qualities which facilitates his
he plays any game, learns Bharatnatyam, even if he learn to play violin, there
will also be some meaning, these areas also have great respect and wealth. The
foundation of our education system is wrong because we are only teaching about
material things.
is no doubt that letter knowledge is necessary, education is required for
fourteen years so that the child can understand the basic things of every area
of life. But college degree should be given to as many people as people who
can get employment easily.
a few meritorious people should be given higher education and other students
are given employment-oriented education, then the problem of unemployment will
go away from our country within a few years. Thinkers like Gurudev Rabindranath understood the weaknesses of our education system
and advocated a different kind of education for these reasons.
there is a real improvement in the education system, then the inclusion of
moral values is essential in education because it cannot be successful if an
act is done without a clear policy. Ethical terms have been made by the policy
itself, which means the rules or principles made in a thoughtful way but
today's education has no inclination of ethical values because it is
main purpose of today's education is to earn money by reading and writing.
Regardless of how money comes, do not worry about it. This is why the educated
class are at the forefront of promoting corruption.
should be a well-intentioned policy of attaining education. Students should
give this information from the very beginning that you will have to deal with
what problems you will face in the future. Students should know that there are
many ways of living and it is good to choose the path that is suitable for the
person's particular nature.
is possible in this world by teaching word meaning of truth, forgiveness,
kindness, honesty, non-violence, etc. Moral education is only achieved if we do
provide opportunities to bring these high-quality things to life. The
experimental truths of the child's intuition are more easily entered. If
somebody can influence them, then there would have been so much dishonesty and
so much corruption in society today.
moral values with education does not mean that the burden of another book is
being put into the bag while the children are being always overwhelmed. It cannot
bring any qualitative changes in their lives, because the children think that this
is also a subject in which good marks will be announced.
does not mean any differently. If we combine education in a good environment,
making the school premises a laboratory of life it will be very beneficial for
given through sports helps making
learning enjoyable is more effective. If we
identify potential contained within each child from the
school level and give them a sure direction, then the
purpose of getting education will surely be proved.
present our moral values are also changing because the people of the new
generation do not want to stick to all the archaic ideology due to
urbanization, modern civilization, scientific approach etc.
in the education, there should not be an unsuccessful attempt to connect such
moral values.
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