Life is a Struggle

“Every Struggle in your life has shaped you into a person you are today. Be thankful to hard times, they can only make you stronger”
Struggle is an apt synonym for the word ‘Life’. To begin with, a child and his mother struggle for their life at the time of his birth. Gradually the child enters the different phases of life and struggles further to enter the next phase in a sound manner.
Childhood Struggle- Initially it begins when a child grows and learns the basics of life of speaking, walking, eating and the list is endless, for this reason only it is always said that our mothers are our first teachers. The clay is soft and can be moulded anyways, and struggle begins when the child is left with maids or servants in a nuclear family. Then we go on blaming the society or trends, without realising that we ourselves are setting the benchmarks.
Struggle at teenage- The biggest struggle at this stage is to match our wavelength with our parents and teachers, as at this age they are our biggest enemies, which proves to be true when parents ask their budding children to sit in the queue of gaining numbers and their whole life starts revolving around those crazy numbers in nineties to win from their competitors. Such category of people proves to be failures in their real life success stories.
Youth- This opens a world where we are not worried about anything, clay is hardening and it becomes difficult to overcome the bad habits. The hard work put in at this stage decides the path of life ahead. Where a person is supposed to put the ample energy, they retire this stage by struggling to wake up from their bad habits. Those who wake up have a golden good morning to live for next coming years..
Adulthood- Here the real struggle begins when we have to wake up irrespective of our wishes and have to face the nightmares of life, to take care of family; a person toils hard but still finds his adolescents and fashionable wives dissatisfied with his contributions. Here he realises teenage and youth were not there to sleep and party only, instead it was good time to struggle for life, which he had already wasted.
Old age- Here the uninvited struggle starts which gives strong mental dilemma when the body does not work, at this moment, life and its different stages become crystal clear and all the mistakes are clearly visible but we are not in a situation to correct them. This is the time to reap what we have sown- love, care and respect from our children. Lastly we struggle to have our last breath which totally depends on the cycle of ‘Karma’.
In the true sense, life is a positive struggle it leads us the way we want to live and the way we direct it but sometimes some layers are difficult to realise to change the impressions on the clay and mould it in the so called ideal way to fulfil the requirements of life.


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