Solid Waste Management

Due to population growth and tremendous consumerism, exploitation of natural resources is at its peak. And we have an important obligation to protect the environment in front of us. When the whole world is uniting on the issue of Global Warming and Climate Change, our greatest responsibility as a human being and society is to live in harmony with nature and according to that we have to mold our genre. SWM best step taken in this direction is being proved. Garbage disposal, recycling, energy production from waste all these are called waste management. Recycling makes many consumer goods available again in the market, which is reducing the exploitation of natural resources. Recycling of aluminum, copper, steel, glass, paper and many types of plastics can be done. By recycling of metals, many items are available in the market and demand reduces in the mining according to demand.
By recycling the paper, many trees  can be stopped to cut. At the same time, the optimum utilization of the food used by the people is being made by changing the organic waste from the houses in the garbage disposal to bio compost and methane gas. While methane gas is the best source of energy, organic fertilization is important to naturally increase soil fertility. It also reduces dependence on farmers' artificial manure. Products made from organic composts get a good price in the market.
Sustainable development: Waste management is considered to be an important component of sustainable development. Sustainable development refers to the environmentally friendly and long-term development. Consumption and reuse of garbage management creates a cycle that reduces our dependence on natural resources to a lesser extent and reduces their harness. So, these days, a lot of emphasis is placed on garbage management while planning sustainable development.
Case Study:
            One such system has been adopted in Pratapgarh district of Rajasthan, adjacent to the Madhya Pradesh border. Here a garbage vehicle has been started which revolves around different colonies of the city at different times of the day to collect garbage from every house in the town. Shweta Vyas, NGO Construction Services Organization, who manages the management of this work, says that the garbage collected from this vehicle is taken to a plant located a few miles away from the city.When collecting garbage from the houses, it is taken care of that the wasteful waste  such as food waste should be collected at different places and recyclable dry waste at different places.
            After making the consciousness about it from the beginning, it has now become a habit of people and the waste is collected in different categories at home level. This saves the cost of isolating the waste at a widespread level. Bio compost is made from wet wastes. In this entire campaign, the city council is also supporting the organization, so the organic manure made is given to the city council.
            City Council Chairman Kamlesh Dosi says that this organic manure is auctioned, which gives the council additional income. And we can fulfill our responsibility to give our citizens a clean city. Dry waste is currently being dumped into the ground, but measures like recycling or making electricity are also being considered. Since adopting this system, the spread of dirt-related diseases in the city is reduced and the rotation of stray animals which are used to on food waste has also decreased.

C S Singh
Asst. Prof (ME)


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