In the era of advanced technology and corporatization how our legal education should be to protect various type of human rights. How our law students should be equipped to protect their human rights and others. It is a challenge to the educator to develop legal education curriculum to cover unforeseen issues or challenges to the human rights due to advanced technology like cyber security, cyber fraud.

This research paper highlights the human rights of children. Children have the same basic human rights as adults, but they need special attention and protection because they are more vulnerable due to their size and strength. There is international convention on the rights of child. Article 6.2 of convention provides right to survival and development. Right to protection and care that is necessary for their well-being. They have right to express their views freely, non-discrimination, to have safe environment, education.

In the Constitution of India, preamble says about social justice.Directive principles of state provide,State shall ensure, by making provisions that no child labour means no child below the age of 14 shall employ in any shop, house, factory, industry etc.  The child labour (Prohibition & Regulation Act,) 1986 or the child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition & Regulation Act,) 1986 was enacted to achieve this object. So to achieve social justice we have constitutional provisions and legal provisions to stop or remove child labour. But the question is, whether the state could ensure social justice to the children by abolishing child labour 100%. Human rights of child are violated due to child labour. Child labour in agriculture, hand Carpet weaving sector, Street Dhabha, brick kiln etc. can be seen easily. This way they are helping economically to their parents but on the cost of their human rights, constitutional rights, legal rights all are violating. They are deprived to get education also.

Execution of law is not perfect due to lack of will power to stop child labour. Therefore we need to focus more on well execution part of legal or constitutional provisions by understanding and to discharging the duties by several agencies; human right will automatically be protected. 

We should not only blame the state or other various agencies. Law Students also can do this with the help of legal aid cell. For this students must have practical exposure. For this Legal education curriculum must be developed in such a way to have some credit for legal aid Cell work as practical exposure of legal provisionwith professional skill, when students are involved in legal awareness drive or camp or legal literacy program to get eradicate social evils. Legal Aid cell must recognize as an instrument separately like NGO to take up the issue as an authority.

Technology can be used to monitor the flow of child labbour by using satellite data. Technology can help students learn about different legal systems and practices by providing access to legal resources from around the world, Online libraries and international legal databases can help students learn about different legal systems and practices. AI can help to gather data on rights abuses through image recognition.  

Besides this Legal education curriculum may include some scientific and technological knowledge subjects like forensic science, AI, machine learning to meet out the challenges during criminal investigation.

Technological Advancement introduces new actor to protect human rights. Otherwise it is the role of State to ensure right and justice. Due to Technological Advancement, AI and ML it necessitate Integration,collaboration and coordination with business leaders or corporates or startups and technology in addition to Government. It can impact human rights and legal education in several ways.

Prof.(Dr.) Pallavi Gupta,

Department of Law

JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus,

Greater Noida



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