The Relevance of Cultural Activities in College Academic Programmes

 Academic programmes are no longer the sole activities available at colleges, and all students focus on them. With the shifting trend, we've discovered that students don't want to be bookworms; instead, they hunt for other opportunities that can benefit them in the future. To keep current, every student seeks information in all fields. Co-circular activities are vital in students' life. Social and cultural activities help students prepare for real-life situations and improve their personal skills. Social/cultural activities not only help students define themselves, but they also help them grow in a desired field and improve skills like organisation, presentation, leadership, and interpersonal communication.


Culture encompasses both the arts and the intangible common beliefs, values, and customs of a group. Students participate in arts and culture to varied degrees of proficiency and engagement. Some people produce, while others listen, watch, teach, evaluate, or study a cultural activity, art form, or expression. Some are artists, designers, and innovators, while others engage in expressive activities or develop novel tools, connections, or goods.


The field as a whole can be described by a framework that includes four major components: level of professionalism, type of activity, locations and spaces, and level of participation and engagement. Such various types of tangible and invisible, professional and amateur creative and cultural activities make up a community's cultural assets.


Extracurricular activities provide more opportunity for social engagement and new relationship development. Because most of these activities are group-oriented, students have the opportunity to learn more about people with diverse interests and cultures. They can also locate clubs or groups with similar social, religious, or entertainment interests to socialise with. Interaction with people from different backgrounds helps pupils enhance their interpersonal abilities. Extracurricular activities educate children learn to collaborate for a shared purpose, which fosters a sense of responsibility in them. It boosts their confidence while also teaching them how to cooperate and work with others in a variety of situations. They learn how to deal with the pressures of education and career.

Culture has a significant impact on education, including curriculum and instructional systems, educational institutions and discipline, educators, textbooks and reading materials, and the functioning of learning institutions. These factors promote intercultural understanding, cultural and technological advancement, extracurricular and creative activities, and the development of a sharedculture among humanity.

The current system of teacher recruitment, which is solely dependent on qualifying examination scores, will be abolished. Modern techniques for assessing the talents of potential teachers should be implemented. A teacher-applicant with ordinary academic credentials but demonstrated aptitude and talents should be given preference over a 'great' candidate with insufficient commitment and talent.

The vast majority organisations prefer to hire people who are well-rounded. Sustained involvement in multiple activities demonstrates the student's talent and potential.At the time of hiring teachers, they look for these talents. When applying for admission in colleges for higher degrees, these students get a preference too. While pursuing these activities in college along with education students learn prioritization and time management skills too.This enhances and improves kids' life, both intellectually and personally. Cultural activities allow students to get a deeper awareness of themselves as well as diverse perspectives, allowing them to better comprehend and live their lives.


Aswe see that social and cultural activities are very important to fulfil the need of present scenario, our campus promotes all extracurricular activities that are both in line with the educational goals of the institutionand suit the needs of the students.Various academic and co-curricular events are held on a regular basis on campus to promote students' overall development.This enhances and helps students' life, both intellectually and personally. Students can develop a deeper awareness of themselves and a variety of perspectives through cultural activities, allowing them to better understand and enjoy life.

 Dr Abha Gupta, Assistant Professor B. Ed. Department. 

JEMTEC, Greater Noida




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