Legal profession in India is at its highest peak. The Indian legal profession is one of the largest in

the world, with over 1.4 million enrolled advocates nationwide. According to the reports, Law

graduates are highly in demand. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that there are

approximately 46,000 job openings for lawyers during the time frame of a year. Many reports

suggest that India is one of the countries that venerate law as a subject and profession a lot.

A well organised, inclusive and effective legal profession is the need of the hour to administer

justice effectively.In this age of technology and artificial intelligence, definition, nature of crime

as well as mode, manner of completion of crime are also changing and understanding of

investigation,trial, punishment and sentencing are also evolving.

A second year student once inquired as she was fascinated about the laws etc. on protection of

women and had shared what will be the role of a lawyer if the crime rate decreases ! I was

surprised and tried to make her understand that the nation's development index also depends

upon the decreasing crime rate. And a lawyer should always feel responsible for the decreasing

crime rate in society.

Legal education in India is not uniform and there may be many factors responsible. A profession

which is completely an amalgamation of theoretical

understanding and skill based training, a minimum understanding of constitution, sense of

discipline and a healthy attitude towards changing dimensions of society are considered as the

basic requirements of a law student being turned into a responsible professional.

Though there is the Bar Council of India and Advocates Act 1961 to regulate the legal education

and legal profession India, the law graduates from National Law Universities only occupied the

major job market related to the legal profession in India. It is indeed undeniable that the

infrastructure, teaching methodology, and attitudinal barrier of teachers and students are the

factors responsible.

In R. Muthukrishnan v. Registrar General High Court of Judicature at Madras(2019 16 SCC

407), the hon'ble Supreme Court had , inter alia, observed:

“The legal profession cannot be equated with any other traditional professions. It is not

commercial in Nature and is a noble one considering the nature of duties to be performed

and its impact on the society…’’

To make the decision-making process more responsive, inclusive and participatory at all levels,

inclusion of women in the judiciary should not merely symbolic, but substantive representation

of women in the Judiciary is of utmost importance.Also we need to create and foster

environments for women professionals within the Courts and among the members of the legal

fraternity which would enable the young women professional to grow intellectually and

demonstrate the capacity they possess and hence the recent trends of emerging legal profession

can also be summarised as below:

Growing focus on AI in Legal Profession: Like any other profession, AI tools are developing

to promote not only the digital courtroom experiences but also in effortless completion of legal

research, drafting, reviewing documents etc. Therefore to be considered as a contemporary

lawyer, judge etc. one has to accept the challenge of having proficiency in AI generated tools.

Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR): No matter if a case is civil, criminal, martial, or

commercial ; national or international; ADR has played a critical role in lowering the pending

number of cases and materialising a peaceful settlement between the parties. The ADR

mechanism is also appealing because it protects the parties’ best interest as well as its nature of

being cost and time effective.

Advocating against cyber threats and cyber criminals: Cybersquatting has become a serious

threat because of advances in technology and digitalisation. In order to combat the same, cyber

law is becoming more popular in india. An advocate should be aware of online activities and

cutting-edge technologies such as bitcoin, cybersecurity and related other areas which includes

e-commerce, e-contracts and digital signature, intellectual Property rights etc.

Innovation is a process of interpretation and hence the application of one’s conscience to develop

new law and norms are possible only by not only prioritising the individualistic interest but also

keeping social justice in higher pedestal


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