Caste census: Social welfare or Social Division?

 ‘Varn’ (वर्ण) system that is now has got popularity in the form of caste system originated long back in Vedic Society (C100 500 BCE). Was that Varn system exactly same as of now caste system? Analysis of history reveals that Varn system was basically based on wisdom of knowledge and work and it was hardly related with birth in particular family.  By passing of time it is now totally dependent on the birth in a particular family. As already pointed out that basically it was on work system that’s why caste within caste developed on the basis of specific work within the caste, and the broader varn system that was basically divided in four varn Brahmin, Kshatriye, Vaishye and Sudra has now masrromed in various caste. 

Framers of the constitution were promoting equality in society by putting various articles promoting welfare of SC and ST on one side and other side equality articles so that by passing of time these community may come in main stream of system. But the burning question here is, were they doing this on the basis of their population in the society? To the point answer is ‘NO’. If everything will be decided on the basis of Population then there will be another race to raise their population that will not be in interest of any one neither to that caste nor of nation. And same time it will lead to another type of inequality i.e, caste population inequality, and will never achieve welfare of all that is paramount goal of our constitution.

Recent caste based census in many state has raised another type of discussion, ‘जिसकी जितनी संख्या उसका उतना स्थान’. This thinking will ruin all the efforts of framer of constitution and all the effortS of government to bring equality in the society for which country is struggling since last 75 years. Another pertinent question arises whether it will be limited to schedule caste, schedule tribe, backward class, general class or it will lead further demand/discussion to sub caste within specific class. As it is well known that each class whether it is general, backward etc, each have number of sub caste.

Government of India in its policy declaration in Lok Sabha had made it clear that it will not enumerate caste wise population except SC and ST. With political interest now numbers of political parties are demanding for caste base census, in fact they have nothing to do welfare of these caste. In fact they are on the track to ruin the development of SC and STs by creating another hurdle in their progress and their participation in system. In fact time has come for the census on the basis of socio economic and educational backwardness and that shall not be based on any caste, let the society develop altogether in such manner that all the backwardness stay only in history not in future of nation.

By sudhir Kumar Dwivedi

Assistant Professor


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