From IQ towards AQ

 Psychologists claim that there are four different forms of intelligence:

The Intelligence Quotient or IQ,

The Emotional Quotient or EQ,

The Social Quotient or SQ,

The Adversity Quotient or AQ,

1. The IQ determines how well one understand a concept. Math problems, memorization, and lesson recall all require intelligence.

2. The EQ is a measure of one’s capacity to keep the peace, stick to schedule, be accountable, be truthful, respect limits, be modest, sincere, and compassionate.

3. The SQ is a measurement of one’s capacity to establish and sustain a social network over an extended period of time.

It is observed that the people with higher emotional and social quotient have higher rates of success in life than those with high intelligent quotient. But in reality the learning and education system is more focused on the growth intelligent quotient rather than emotional and social quotient.

It is also well found that people with high level of intelligent quotient are being hired by those with average IQ but high emotional and social quotient.

One’s social quotient stands in for his persona, while one’s emotional quotient represents his Character.

It will be in favour of one if he adopts a behaviour that will raise these three Qs, particularly emotional and social quotient.

Now a new fourth paradigm has emerged:

4. The AQ is an indicator of one’s capacity to endure a difficult period in life and emerge from it unscathed.

People frequently make assumptions about someone based on their empirical and intellectual ability. The notion that someone's success is based on their intelligence is erroneous. Of course, brilliance depends on intelligence. Success, however, is not just based on one's accomplishments, it also depends on one's capacity for overcoming obstacles. Life may be unexpected at times, and on our path to success, we may face a number of obstacles. Therefore, it's important to learn abilities that will help us get beyond these obstacles and go on. The adversity quotient refers to people's capacity for overcoming challenges.

When faced with challenges, adversity quotient predicts who will choose to give up, who will leave their family, and who would think about taking their own life.

Families, must make sure that the youngsters are exposed to more than just academics. They must appreciate the other aspects of life like sports, arts, etc. Apart from developing the intelligent quotient the focus should be more on the development of EQ, SQ and AQ as well. The young generation ought to develop into multifaceted people capable of making decisions o their own.

When you are willing to step outside of your comfort zone and accomplish what other people would consider unattainable for you, success will follow. Being extremely smart and intelligent is surely a benefit. However, you won't be able to fully utilise your intelligence and ability if you are unable to withstand and persevere through life's trials. Adversity quotient becomes significant in this situation. Getting away from difficulties is simple and easy. However, it doesn't advance you in life. The ability to overcome obstacles and rise above life's stresses, however, demands courage and perseverance. But if you can pull it off, your life will change like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Here, at JIMS, Greater Noida we provide the environment which facilitates in the holistic growth of the students.


Devanshu Dube

Assistant Professor,

 JEMTEC, Gr.Noida


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