How has the Virtual mode of learning impacted students in higher education?

 Knowledge is power, and with the revolution of technology in the modern world, education as a means is at the disposal of our fingertips. The traditional face-to-face mode of learning has been known to us as the most effective means of learning, but the introduction of e-learning has changed this belief. The onset of COVID-19 presented the multiple facets of online learning and showcased its effectiveness as well. Virtual mode of learning points to learning via computers or smartphones and the Internet in various educational organizations. During the last few years, virtual learning has been actively embraced by most universities and institutes to effectively provide education. However, virtual learning has provided much-needed promotion for course planning, active-learning environments, and creative interactions. The online teaching and learning process has been benefitting students and teachers alike as teachers remain independent and provide students with much-needed instructions to achieve success. 

The online learning experience comes with a few challenges, but there are a lot of benefits and advantages as well. Some of the constructive effects of online learning for students are mentioned below: 

  • Increased efficiency in learning: Virtual or online learning has increased efficiency many folds for students and teachers alike. Textbooks and study materials can be easily made accessible to students and in a much more appealing format. Teachers can share assignments and notes with a single click which has made the teaching and learning process fun and efficient.

  • Affordability and accessibility: Traditional face-to-face classes involve a variety of expenses such as transportation, meals, and a place to stay in case they have to move away from their homes. Students are exempted from most of these expenses as they don’t have to spend money on transportation, residence, and meals, which in turn makes online classes more affordable. And on top of all of these, students can attend their respective classes from the comfort of their homes.

  • Enhanced student attendance: Face-to-face classes require students to reach the classes on time which comes with a lot of obstacles, such as traffic during commuting, health issues, and laziness. However, online or virtual learning helps students overcome these obstacles and create a comfortable study environment that enhances their productivity and improves their attendance. 

  • Interactive classrooms: Online learning permits dynamic communication between teachers and students as students and their respective peers to exchange ideas and information and collaborate effectively through online learning. Students can connect with their instructors or teachers through email or phone calls and have unlimited access to them through multiple virtual platforms.

Everything has its pros and cons; similarly, virtual learning, despite its abovementioned benefits, has many negative features, which are mentioned below: 

  • Added screen time: One of the primary negative aspects of virtual learning for students and teachers alike is the added screen time. Online learning has exposed us to additional use of technology and extended screen time which can lead to a number of physiological issues, such as poor posture, frequent headaches, and added strain on our eyes. 

  • Absence of face-to-face interaction: Lack of face-to-face interaction with professors and peers can impact student feedback, lead to social isolation, and give rise to demotivation owing to the lack of pressure and monitoring from teachers. The absence of monitoring from teachers and lack of pressure can be a major drawback as students might slack in their studies, which in turn might impact their academic performance.

  • Being reliant on self-discipline: In addition to the list of negatives of online learning, the sense of self-discipline plays a key role. Traditional physical classes improve accountability; on the other hand, lack of monitoring may push the students towards inadequate guidance and give rise to a lack of discipline and engagement during lectures.

  • Technical glitches: Since the onset of virtual learning, online classes have come across multiple technical glitches, such as video, audio, or network connectivity. In addition, the complication of installing and downloading bulky software for students and teachers has caused delays and inconvenience as well. However, these technical issues have receded considerably, but our nation needs to go a long way to effectively overcome these technical obstacles.

In conclusion, virtual or online learning has impacted higher education in various ways. Various groups of students have different experiences, which can be challenging or beneficial as well. It is understandable that one’s attention might be diverted owing to the amount of technology that surrounds us. However, students need to understand that virtual learning requires active listening, note-taking, active participation in discussions, and refraining from switching one’s focus from things not related to your lectures.
Mr. Sunny Kumar


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