The Rising Feminist Criminology

The rising of feminist criminology is a major step towards emancipation of women from the powerful clutches of men. It is meant to overcome hurdles in the life of women owing to the issue of gender inequality, exploitations in the hands of men. The action got mandatory and calls for immediate relief to protect the existence of women and preserve some status. Various laws that have been passed in favor of women are a result of continuous efforts of various activists like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandar Vidyasagar, Phule etc who are also known to initiate feminist movements in India but the problem being that despite the numerous legislations there is surge incline in the crime rate pertaining to women. The objective of the movements and various efforts was to locate the loops in the laws or ensure effective implementations of the laws for women such that they can be seen as delivering good results and ensure benefit of the society. Further the role of feminist criminology was thought to eliminate the risks for women, provide them a free and a safe environment to live in. such criminology was brought into existence to bring at rest all the struggles and suffering of women as regards equality and the consequent behavior of the society.


The main reason behind demand for laws for protection of women was because of the existence of male dominated society. In such patriarchal structure preference was obviously given to males over females in every case. Women were considered weak and were expected to be submissive and not aggressive. The practice of acknowledging women as sensitive was getting too much over the heads that women were only made to be inside and not step outside. Because of this comparison between the two, the practices of female foeticide and female infanticide were prevalent. Females were known to be the liabilities, which would lead to expenditure whereas males were regarded as the assets, which would generate wealth for their families. The decision making and other powers and authorities were also vested with the males while the females were accorded the responsibility of household chores, child welfare and looking after the family members.


Diagramming and implementation of women-oriented laws was the need of the hour then in ancient times as well as today in 21 century especially during the period from 2013-2019 where crime rate for offences against a women was at its peak. Several new laws were introduced for the safety of women and the existing laws were modified as per the demand of the situation. The sole and the most powerful reason behind the rise of feminist movements was because of the poor thoughts of the patriarchal society wherein it was thought of women to be under the men and was meant to obey the instructions and not add on to any views or important decisions. In short women were only expected to follow rather than participate or create. All this behavior of the society towards the women was the hand behind the ongoing rampant crimes against her. Thus, the need for new laws to protect the dignity of women and respect its existence.

Aashna Sinha


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