Vedic Education Ideals' Relevance in the Modern Educational System

India's culture and rich legacy are fundamentally based on the Vedic educational system. Nobody who is unable to protect and advance their cultural heritage can be considered educated.This study can persuade the present age that we must adopt the goals of Vedic education if we want to attain the high ideal of perfect mastery over senses, to establish the ideals of truth, liberty, equality, and peace and unity.The application and practise of Vedic knowledge can help us in a variety of ways. Vedic education is the answer to every issue we currently face in this planet.The goal of Vedic education was to establish character through healthy moral development. Because of this, the primary goal of all education, whether it be literary or professional, should be to prepare the student to contribute to society. Education should help to shape the ideal man by empowering him to manage his primal animal instincts and instilling in him a strong moral sense. Vedic education promoted simultaneous and harmonious development as one of its main goals and objectives. Men are social beings, therefore Vedic education not only emphasised social obligations but also encouraged social enjoyment.

Vedic education's enduring goal was moral upbringing. The goal of education was to instil a strong sense of culture as well as knowledge in students.However, I believe that moral education has lost its foundation as a result of industrialization. We acknowledge that we live in a time of fast scientific and technical advancement and that these developments affect various social groupings differently both within and between societies.In our pursuit of material existence, we have neglected the principles of truth. All of the world's educational systems have drawn inspiration from the Vedic educational tenets. Because of indiscipline, the educational atmosphere has become so poisonous in today's society that it has become a major difficulty for modern institutions to deal with the pupils and teach moral values.

Vedic educational concepts have a propensity to transform people's thoughts and personalities. It has a propensity to turn terrible things into good. because the development of personality and character was the ultimate goal of Vedic education. Modern students must adhere to the principles of Vedic education if they want to acquire complete mastery over their senses.The ultimate goal of education should not be to fully satisfy one's aspirations for life in this world, but rather to fully realise oneself in order to achieve spiritual liberation.I'm motivated to discuss the value of Vedic education since moral education helps to make a person civilised and cultured. Without moral instruction, a man cannot distinguish between right and wrong. The adoption of a materialistic way of life is the main issue in the current period.These days, fashion and show have completely taken over daily life. The Vedas state that one of the most crucial components of education is teaching children to be truthful since the Nobel soul who takes the pathway of truth is unconquerable. Teaching was seen as a holy responsibility throughout the Vedic time, demonstrating to the world how much more responsible Vedic teachers were than those of the modern day.Any educational system should have the development of a person's overall personality as its main goal. All of the aforementioned points are true enough for a guy to become as devout as possible, but in today's society where everyone is pursuing a materialistic existence, it seems unattainable. The Vedic era served as a major source of inspiration for the entire world, not just for our own country.

The Vedas exhort men to come together, to think and act as one, and to cooperate for a shared objective. All social ills can be cured by education alone. In the Vedic age, education was a necessity for everyone to become cultured, not as a means of generating income. It is essential to make moral education based on the Vedic educational system accessible to everyone if we hope to have a better society and civilised individuals who are willing to contribute to society in accordance with their talents.The number of studies in the field of Vedic education has significantly increased. But more effort needs to be done.Vedic Education has undergone careful analysis by scholars, who have looked at every facet of the legacy educational system.It is true what Dr. Radhakrishnan said: "A civilization is constructed with men, their quality, and their character. It is not built with bricks, steel, and equipment." Therefore, the fundamental purpose of education is to help students achieve all of their potential for beauty and perfection in both their body and their soul.

The Vedic period produced in education the discipline, the friendly relationship between student and teacher, the social, moral ideals, all of which have been completely lost. Although we are unable to implement all the tenets of Vedic education, there are some principles that can be applied to the current system of education. Everybody has to contribute in some way to society, thus we all need to be aware of our obligations and responsibilities. Only by adhering to the tenets of Vedic education are all these things feasible.

Ms. Abha Gupta, Assistant Professor, B.Ed, JEMTEC


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