5G Technology

 In this era of growing internet, we have already covered 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G technology and are moving very fast towards 5G.

What does G stand for in 5G?

In every 1-G to 5-G technology, 'G' means 'Generation'. The letter 'G' denotes the generation and development in these technologies.


As new discoveries are made in the technology world, in the same way, this 'G' shows the growing generation of that device / technology. Every day new technology is being incorporated in India.

What is a 5-G Network?

5-G networks are a type of telecommunication technology. It is of wireless medium. Radio waves and different types of radio frequencies are used in 5-G networks. It is very developed and innovative as compared to the rest of the network .

A variety of standards come up in 5-G technology. Its final human being is determined by the hands of ITU (International Telecommunication Union).

The 5G network is the next generation of the digital network sector after the launching of the 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) network.

Advantages of 5-G Network

Very Fast Internet Speed:- The 4-G network we are currently using in our mobiles has the capacity to download 1 GB (Gigabyte) in a second. On the other hand, a 5-G network can easily download up to 10 Gb (gigabyte) of files in a second.

Development of Digital India: - With the help of 5G network, Digital India will be able to grow faster and the whole world will feel more connected due to this network.

Increase in GDP growth: - According to a recent claim of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), we will see a lot of positive impact in India's GDP and economy due to the use of 5G network.

Disadvantages of 5-G Network

1-      From a new research, our researchers have come to know that the waves of the 5G network are unable to penetrate the walls, due to which it cannot travel very far in density, which will result in weakness in its network.

2-      Along with the walls, it is not able to penetrate the resources like rain, trees and plants, all this suggests that if 5G is launched in the future, then we may complain about the lack of network.

3-      Some people also believe that the rays being used for the launch of 5G network are the fatal result of coronavirus but no evidence has been received on this yet.

What are the ideal spectrum bands for 5G?

Millimeter wave spectrum plays a very important role in 5G. This idea was first presented by Jagdish Chandra Bose in 1895, he told that we can use these waves for communication.

These waves work on the frequency of 30 to 300 GHz. We also use these waves in satellite and radar systems.

5G networks can operate on the 3400 MHz, 3500 MHz and 3600 MHz bands. We call the 3500 MHz band the ideal band for this because it is the middle band and provides good connectivity.

With the development of 5G network, the wave of development will surely run all over the world. The advantages of 5G network are immense. As we know that anything has both advantages and disadvantages, so in the same way 5G also has its own disadvantages.


Ritu Sharma 



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