Women and Sabrimala: A Review

 Ms. Sinu Joseph is Menstrual educator spent several years interacting with adolescent girls and women throughout India and realised that the restrictions placed on a menstruating women are similar across the country.

The author has narrated about the science behind the construction of temple in India. She has also discussed about the science behind putting restrictions on women during her menstrual cycle and to enter into temples of India. She told, the restrictions imposed on women of any age to enter into Sabrimala temple, are logical. One must look into the science behind this temple. 

The author briefed the Sabrimala case … as rules of this temple (Sabrimala temple dedicated to Lord Ayyappa) talk about 41 days ‘vrata’ and some other ritulas to follow. Women of above 10 to 50 years of age are not allowed to enter into case.  This rule was challenged in the court under article 14, 15, 25 of the constitution of India on the ground of discrimination against women and against the equality concept enshrined in the constitution. Majority judges of the Supreme Court in their decision allowed the women to enter into the temple under article 14, 15, 25 of the constitution of India to give equal status to women.

The author critically analysed the judgment of Sabrimala case. She said there were three main issues before Supreme Court to decide- 1 whether prohibition on women to enter into temple were biological or morally, 2. Do these restrictions constitute religious restrictions, 3. whether the constructions of Aaippa temple is such, which actually prohibit women to enter into.  She said judges did not interpret “Health” word used in this article, with respect to women to enter into sabrimala temple. They (judges) overlooked the term “health’ used in article 25 of the Indian constitution of India, while pronouncing decision. She has supported her statements with the provisions of evidence law under evidence Act 1875, as direct evidence, indirect evidence and thing is presumed unless it is unapproved.  She criticized judges for their judgment in this case. They did not answered satisfactory these three issues raised in this case.

The author proved with the help of documentary evidence as described in evidence law, Sabrimala temple is Mokshdham. Women should not enter into this temple, is she tried, there shall be biological changed. It will effect menstrual period- may get delayed or painful. If women menstrual period is not healthy, it will affect women’s health directly, it will affect emotional health indirectly as well. Eventually it will affect day to day her fertility.  Such place is not for women regardless of age. Whatever the restrictions imposed to enter into the temple, women must follow, because construction of sabrimala temple is like that only. There are other Ayyappa temple which allow women to enter into.


The author talked about shashtra like Agam shastra, Vedas, Temple shatra, Tantra shatra etc. there are three ways to get spirituality- a. external (Practical reasons to impose restriction – it seems to all- drsta), b. Philosophical concepts or theories (adastra)- why restriction imposed- why women should not go to temple, c. internal method of science to connect between drasta and adastra. If we could not understand science we cannot understand anything.  To understand this we need Sadhak or guidance, because mere reading of book one cannot understand.

What is science? The author  said science is a Bhatia Darshan, which talks about Stula (Macro) body and sukshma micro body , 5 sensces- nari, prana, chakras etc…..all are covered under Yaurveda, shushtra, etc. it reuires sadhak and sadhna.

Yatha bramanda thatha pinda

Further the author said we are not separate from bramhand, it is mentioned in yajurveda. It talks about apan vayu, pran vayu. The gravity or forces which are in working in bramhand are working same in our body. Prana vayu is one of the forces which keep us healthy and reproductive. If restriction imposed or rules made to govern the body of women as biology of the women, it saved us, it is not against women, and it is for the women. But modern biology does not talk about it. Temple is built in such a way to govern the body. Entry gate, Stambh, Upper area of temple is like a body. When there is pran prathisha , it bring life breathing entity.  Shastras says that Ayyappa swami is seated here as Brahamcharya since time of Vishnu, shiva, parshram. It is evidence by shatra of august muni supported by bhuti.  Sabrimala is mokshdham for men, i.e. dissolution of life (samshai).

There are seven Ayyappa temples and unique thing of sabrimala is, it is seventh one. There are 07 chakras. First chkra is muladhar, which awaken the kundalini.  Second chkra is swadistana chkra. Devotee has to complete 41 days vratas with specified rituals step by step. One has to travel all temples. Each temple is having its own uniqueness. In some temples women are allowed. Speaker further said, if by mistake a woman enters into that temple, where her entry is prohibited and went wrong in her menstrual cycle, she can reverse it by visiting in Devi temple.

JEMTEC school of  Law is teaching women and Law subject in 7th  semester in BALLB and BBA LLB as  optional paper.

Visit : www.jimsgn.org


Prof.(Dr.) Pallavi Gupta 


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