Mass media is a method of communication that extends to a mammoth target market in a small span of time. in recent times our society lives below the sway of media.  The media can provide facts as well as education. Information comes in numerous paperwork, and it would on occasion be difficult to separate from leisure. Media may be used to monitor authorities, commercial enterprise, and other establishments. Media reflects the norms, lifestyle and values. It can cause evolution and revolution of thoughts and heart of the people fostering information, literacy and attention within the kingdom. Widely speak me, the relationship between lifestyle and the media is certainly one of inclusion

We’ve shifted from “conventional media” to “new media”. Traditional media includes cable & satellite, print, broadcast era, and billboards. New media consists of the net and Smartphone’s. Each of them undergoes their very own pros and cons.

. Mass media serves an optimistic function in today's society and raises the awareness of some people. They convey messages in one of the ways that they can shift the public's mind toward safer issues. Mass media keep people informed of a wide variety of information, lifestyles, events, social sports, political elements of various international locations, and advertising, regardless of geographic restrictions. Acts as a repository of information.
Today, it affects human life in almost every area: education, social relations, kinship, socialization, and religious beliefs. Scientific rational knowledge has increased the speed of cultural migration. People embrace this change positively. On the one hand, it helps our culture grow, but at the same time, we cannot ignore the negative and horrifying effects of media and cultural invasion. Excess time spent on social media can lead to cyber bullying, depression, and loneliness. , leading to self-harm and many other health problems
Cultural fluidity, Sanskritization and DSanskritization can be seen in society. It has largely informed individual cultural norms and behaviors. Today people are enslaved to social media. Social media addiction can be people of all ages affected by social media, from young children to middle-aged to the elderly. This cellular subculture has a very negative effect on people's social families and completely ends intimacy between people. Less people attach more importance to their relationship with e-books. You may be living in a virtual world where most of the information and facts are fake. People are so addicted to all social media platforms and so energetic that they have to live away from this fantasy world all the time. Today's generation doesn't think about huge chains of kinship, they want segregation, they want personal space within their own families, and this magnifies their individualistic ways, making people We are weakening the social cohesion that binds us collectively. In our modern commercialized society, mechanical team spirit is changing social harmony

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 On the one hand the advancement of social media has shrunk the world to advance our lived and put us in line with social media platform. on other hand, moral values moral values, cultural norms, respect, love, affection that human beings lack. Lacking time for those close and dear, they transition to anomie and become part of a subculture. Those who feel cut off from society and family often commit suicide. Suicide is more common in industrial societies than in primitive societies.


Technology and media bring growth to society and people, but good socialization of a person is possible only in a good family and society. Media use must be restricted and we need strict laws to control people's behavior. Otherwise, a segregated society with no social space will emerge.

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(Assistant Professor)

 (JEMTEC School of Law,Greater Noida)




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