MOOCs are short term courses which were launched in year 2008 by David Cornier to meet the growing learning needs and desires of individuals. The main charactertics of  MOOCs are that they focus on large population size and open access via internet. These courses are recent extension in electronic modes of teaching and learning. MOOCs provide facilities to learner as they can overcome the physical barriers. Learners can get themselves online enrolled in MOOCs, and continue with the online medium only. In comparison to traditional learning MOOCs provide interactive course material followed by weekly assignments and quizzes. Intially MOOCs focus more on open- access (such as accessible content, social media interaction forum and structure) to promote the concept of MOOCs. These MOOCs were known as cMOOCs. It was followed by the concept of xMOOCs which targets audience by providing closed licensed course material to learners. The main MOOCs platforms are Cousera , Udacity and edx. In year 2012 it was reported that more than 1.5 million learners were enrolled for classes via these platform. A remarkable hike is seen with each passing year in the number registrants of MOOCs. 

In India MOOCs became popular in the year 2012. Learners used these prevailing international platforms to gain knowledge and certification on the desired topic. It was in the year 2016 that keeping in mind the rising learning needs of individuals, government of India launched SWAYAM ( Study of Web of Active- Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) with the help of AICTE. Academicians and professors from various recognized institutions such as IITs and IIMs deliver video lectures through these platforms. It has attacked various knowledge seekers all over the country. A huge jump was witnessed in the number of participants of MOOCs during the outburst of COVID-19. Lockdown has forced learners to not to step outside their homes, leading to rise in registrants of these online courses. The New Education Policy 2020 also approached towards the sustainable and long-lasting activities to promote education. Keeping this in mind higher education institutions are trying hard to make MOOCs as a part of regular teaching and learning process. They are trying to blend it with traditional learning process. 

JEMTEC (Jims Engineering Management Technical Campus ) is also aiming for this blended mode of learning. Students enrolled in the academic session 2022-23 were motivated to get themselves registered in MOOCs through SWAYAM. Students showcased their positive energy and attitude towards the same. 



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