Election: Backbone of Democracy

 Election is the process through which people express their opinion by casting their votes and elect the candidates to be sent to the public offices. Elections are considered as the base of democracy as it ensures that the government chosen through election is of the people, by the people and for the people. Election is the most crucial event in any democracy. The citizens have the right to vote for any candidate or a party and in our country this right is given to people aged 18 years and above. It is the duty of voters of the country to elect the candidate in any election who will just not work for the constituency but also for the country. Interest of country and protection of constitutional principles is prime requirement of healthy democracy. It is not always right that what a majority government is doing is or will be in interest of democracy, sometimes to fulfill their political agenda majority government impose some decision on common people which may not be in interest of all people, sprit the of healthy democracy is just not to take care of majority view but also of minority in the interest of country. 

A free and fair election showcases the signs of a healthy democracy in a country. Through election, the citizens of a country express their acceptance or denial for the government’s policies and working. Right to know about the candidate including his/her income and property is a step to stop corruption not only before election but also after election.

Election gives the authority in the hands of the public and provides them the freedom to elect the government of their choice which will work for their growth and development. It also keeps a check on the working on the incumbent government as they have to appear before the public after the completion of their tenure. However, in a country where elections take place every year real representation of peoples will is not possible. It is very common the government which rules in central influence the common will by announcing different state centric scheme just to influence the election indirectly. It is desirable that election of every state should take place at a time with election of central. it will not only save not only the resources of the country but also free and fair election which is goal of constitution will be achievable .

“Elections belong to the people. It is their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” This quote of Abraham Lincoln said in itself the role of the people in election. There are many corrupt practices prevailed under the shadow of campaign. To achieve the goal of democracy free and fair election is prime requirement.

Sudhir Kumar Dwivedi

Assistant professor

School of Law

JIMS, Greater Noida


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