Technology created Virtual gap in social relations of humans where people are physically together but disengaged from each other completely immerse with their technological device,  

Technology plays an important   and vital   role in developing countries. Technology has touched human life almost in all walk, such as education and social relationship, kinship, socialization .religious belief etc are badly affected .Scientific rational knowledge accelerated the speed of cultural mobility .People are accepting this change in positive way.   Cultural mobility sanskritization and Dsanskritization can be seen in society It has substantially switch the cultural norms & behavior of individuals. Today people have become the slave of technology .Human being social relations are also effected with lastest devices mobile, computer, tabs smart phone, video conferencing etc.another impact of technology can be seen that all age people in grip of technology either child, youngster middle or old age.  This mobile culture very poorly effected social relations of human and completely ends of intimacy human-to human. People are getting cut off of face to face relations and giving more importance to face book relations. . So we can say that use of mobile technology have negative impact on humans, people instead of spending quality of time with family members ,neighbors ,friends and relatives they love to be busy on whatsapp ,posting stories on Instagram and other social sites. They are living in virtual world and this has increased the individualistic approach and weakens social solidarity which binds people together. In industrial, modern society social solidarity is replaced by Mechanical solidarity.

On one hand Technological advancement shrink the world and made our life advance, comfortable  , on other side we find   degradation of ,moral values, cultural norms, respect .love ,affection feelings humanity are missing  Using technology  in excess people  behave with others as they are non living things .Patience  is missing .

The negative impact of technology can be seen on human social relationship .Today generation children are not interested in maintenance of big chain of relative Consanguineal or affinal kinship. They love to spend entire day with their virtual friends playing video games, chatting on social media or playing on line games .They even feel burden to interact with the next door neighbours kid. As we are not having time for our near and dear ones they move toward anomie and become the part of Subculture. Many a time child become a part of  Juvenile delinquency. Today these gadgets have become the status symbol for most of the families .People are spending lot of money in up gradation of technology but  instead of this if they can spend a little time  to amend their relationship. This will bring their relatives closer and a strong bond will be shared among them  . In this race to reach on top there is no limit for them  Many a time when person feel cutoff from society and family he committee sucide.we see more suicide in Industrial society comparative to primitive Society.


Things can be changed if human being use technology in a balance way maintaining a good balance with social relationship. Technology can provide growth to society and people but a good socialization of a person is only possible in a good family and society. So social relations are also important. At present time   robots and AI   gradually replacing humans ,control of machines can be visible  so in future this gap  will increase. There is need to limit the use of technology otherwise a pure digital society will emerge where there will be no place for social relationship.

Dr Richa Srivastava

(Assistant Professor)

Law department


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