Battered women syndrome: A need for recognition under the Indian Criminal Law


Any psychological turmoil is often a bunch of clinical signs and side effects which are related with one another and frequently connected with a specific sickness. Condition be it of any kind prompts different physical and mental ineptitudes. Barely any Syndromes are hereditary; mostly others are a consequence of a steady improvement in mental pressure when passed on untreated prompts serious emotional wellness issues. There is no fix; just the personal satisfaction can be worked on by taking additional consideration and preparing the person to perform everyday fundamental exercises. The genuine reason for the advancement of a Syndrome is caused because of unusual cell divisions. However, most kinds of Syndromes are relieved and are explored upon to an extremely enormous degree one such Syndrome is as yet attempting to find its place as far as better comprehension by the Courts and in particular by the general public we live in.


One of the significant faults that the greater part of people makes is to accept that battered women’s will is generally being brought because of the brutality upon them and that assuming they truly wanted to leave, they could do so with such ease. Such individuals don’t pause and think that maybe these battered ladies are being kept as prisoners in their own homes and are mentally being manhandled in a manner of breaking down their will and managing them. However, domestic violence or battery is punishable under law where its criminalization has led to the enigma being defined legislatively and legally. In other words, it is currently prosecuted as a crime by attorneys even though no charges ,which are brought against the abuser by the victim and where their assistance is not required. Some evident symptoms of BWS exhibits as the abused fears for their lives, body image disorder, sexual intimacy issues, daily activities are disrupted and many more. This syndrome is both physically and mentally challenging for the abused. The crippling fear seems totally real to the woman. Unceasing domestic violence drastically increases the chances of battered women syndrome and depression. Abusive behaviour at home demonstrations can prompt major profound and actual scars. A woman who cuts off up connected with such a friendship falls into a slump like state of "learned vulnerability."' She finds that her significant other's hostility is capricious and that no association exists between her direct and his hurtful approach to acting.

The violence is unavoidable, she can do nothing to pacify her husband and prevent the beating. The battered woman's inability to control the situation leads to feelings of fatalism. She perceives her husband as omnipotent and believes there is no way for her to escape or improve her life. In addition to this feeling of helplessness, battered women share a number of other characteristics. Although they come from all socioeconomic groups and educational backgrounds, battered women tend to adhere to traditional views about proper roles. 


In a portion of the situations where a battered women kills her significant other begs the guard of craziness. They express that their psychological soundness is impeded because of the constant pattern of torture and torment that is looked by them either consistently or much of the time. It is treated as a safeguard of excuse which implies that the ladies don't deny the way that a wrongdoing has been carried out yet expresses that she isn't liable for it. This guard expects that the litigant has a critical psychological sickness during the responsibility of the crime. it expects that the respondent's dysfunctional behavior weakened her reasonableness so much that she didn't grasp the gravity of the wrongdoing and its ramifications.


Till date, there is no legal acknowledgment of Battered Woman Syndrome under Indian regulation. While considering the Battered Woman Syndrome “as a legitimate guard in the Indian situation it would be relevant to look at a similar in the social setting in which the home-grown maltreatment happens. The social cycle has been instrumental in moulding the psychological and the mental condition of the ladies where they are educated to be compliant and resigned and not battle against mistreatment particularly “when the oppressor is a direct relation. Further, the exemptions set down under the system of the Indian Penal Code, be it the overall ones set down in Chapter IV from Section 76 to Section 106 or the particular legal ones that are accommodated in Section 300” which characterize murder don't matter to the instance of a battered guilty party. These guards cover the protections of need, grave and abrupt incitement, and confidential safeguard. Area “300 mitigates the more rigid offense of homicide to that of guilty manslaughter not adding up to kill, which is culpable under Section 304 of the Code. There is no unequivocal legal acknowledgment of Battered Women Syndrome in the Code”. There is a need to put the activities committed by battered ladies under the guards of the right of private safeguard, grave and unexpected incitement or need. Anyway, Indian courts have started to consider BWS declaration and related mental ideas while choosing instances of battered wrongdoers. Outstandingly additionally the idea of 'supported incitement' has been perceived in cases past the ones connected with battered ladies.

In the year 2012, the Madras High Court repeated clearly its position as regards “to relief” instigation in Poovammal vrs. State (represented on 8th February2012), a case in which the grieving mother killed her own real son.

In the year 2013, the first Indian landmark judgments given by judge is considered to Manju Lakra v. the State of Assam (5th August 2013) case which dealt extensively with the Battered Woman Syndrome. This paved the way for its inclusion in defence cases in India also. The court observed that it was the conduct of the  departed  which was building up strong resentment and rage inside the accused wife which was waiting to erupt at any further violent conduct of her husband.’’


It is clear that the restricted dependence put on the teaching of Battered Woman Syndrome by Indian courts, it is clear that, it makes the subject reasonable for a legal assessment. In the present era, there could be a conceptualization of the principle as a ground for a lawful guard inside the system of the protections accessible under the’ Indian Penal Code”. Nonetheless, a case could be made for relieving the obligation unfairly forced by the Indian Penal Code on the battered litigants who kill their spouses. There is a need for the lawmakers to be made aware about that a certain group of women exist, who have been battered throughout their lives at the hands of their spouses and when they resort to committing a demonstration of brutality, the demonstration ought to be viewed as considering the conditions of lady which went before the commission and the circumstance in which the lady was put in.

There remains a need for a proper forum to address this issue and codification of laws in this particular respect with ultimately providing recognition and admissibility to such issues on a large scale. It can definitely save a lot woman from the mental trauma that she might be going throughout her married life and sometimes for the entire life. 


Assistant Professor

JEMTEC School of Law,Greater Noida 


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