Need of value education in life


We often see inside and outside the house that people lose their patience over small things and start fighting with each other. Now man is losing control over himself. Now the negativity of man is overtaking his positivity. Now the question comes that how to bring this negative tendency of human towards positivity? How to teach him the lesson of humanity? How to develop the feeling of love and brotherhood in him?


For the development of humanity in man, it is very necessary that good habits should be developed in him so that he can become a good human being and make his life happy and prosperous while discharging his civic and social duties properly. Society is formed from human beings; nation is formed from society and this earth exists only from different nations. If we want to make this world prosperous and happy and develop peace and brotherhood in place of chaos and fights in the whole world, then for that it is very necessary to provide value education to the children from childhood. Only a good person can lay the foundation of a good family and building a good community and society is possible only by joining good families. A good society is the foundation of a good and healthy nation. Therefore, value education should be very necessary for the children from the very beginning.


Home/Family is the first institution of socialization of the students. Their socialization also begins from here, among different members of the family. That is why the home is said to be the first institution of socialization of children. The impact of education given in the family affects the personality of the child throughout his life. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the family members to give good education to the children from the very beginning and teach them to differentiate between right and wrong so that in future the child can follow the right path and move forward on it.


Apart from the family, the neighborhood of the children also plays a very important role in the formation of their personality. Children often learn a lot of good and bad habits from the people around them. Therefore, it should also be the duty of the people of that community in which the child lives, that they should provide a good education to the children, guide them properly and help them in their life development.


When a child grows up, he/she is enrolled in school. School is very important in the context of development of values. The activities that take place in the school and teachers play an important role in the formation of values ​​in the child. Value education in schools should be taught by integrating one with various subjects and students should be taught to imbibe these values ​​in their conduct so that children can become a good student as well as a good human being.



Pawan Kumar Mishra


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