Dream and Actions

 People of India are struggling for survival and lives are becoming tougher. We should think about the reason behind the difficult days. Same question prompted me to search the reason behind and after analysing the data and different talks, It seems to be me that we are thinking only and not taking suitable actions.

If we turn the pages of history, we find that there is continuous evolution processes going on and things are changing. Change is nature of nature and we need to realize that.

Nothing is permanent so we will have to change accordingly. There are different eras of development and people developed who had understood the necessity of change.

If we evaluate different eras, development is happening in the following order.

Agriculture Era, Industrial Era, Information Technology, Distribution Era …

The visionary people dreamed, prepared action plan, acted accordingly and achieved as per their calibre. Result tells who acted according to their plan with discipline, achieved and who dreamed without actions are still cursing government. Right plan, right action at right time leads to success.

At the starting of Information Technology era, opening PCO was a good way of making money but not now. If you open a PCO now, you will not earn.

Earlier, Manufactures were concerned to sell the produced goods after manufacturing along with the system of goods movement but nowadays different business model has come in which people are making lots of money with a little investment and proper use of information technology. In general, distributors are not purchasing goods to sell but are providing a system in which customers and manufacturer are managed and after the shipment, distributors are making huge money.

In the distribution era, Amazon, Snapdeal, Zomato like companies are leading the market. In this globalization time world has become a global village and people are selling products without any boundaries. People are selling wood ash also at the cost of 450/250 gm and buyers are purchasing. There are various examples of this kind where local goods are available once vocal process has increased. In the distribution form of business investment is very less with low risk and high gain.

While deciding our plan we need to think about three things: What, Why and How. If what is clear ask yourself “Why to do this not anything else”. After the understanding of “What & Why”, brain will definitely tell about the way to complete that. Once action plan is there and person is disciplined, success will definitely come.

In the current age money is not everything but money is very important. There is involvement of money to make a dream true. There is one very important saying: Money  follows Value (of a person) and Value is proportional to skills.

Money is like butterfly: if you run behind a butterfly she will run away but if you become flower and increase your smell she will come to you. Same is with money so improve your skill that will increase your value then money will come to you.

As per the idea of experts, There is a formula to earn money:

Money Earned= Value X Time  …………………(1)

In my opinion formula 1 should be modified and it should be :

Earned money= Value X Time X Health ……….(2)

We can earn money till our health allows. Government retires at the age of 60 by considering that employee cannot perform well after the age of 60 so health is also important. Generally employee or shop keeper fails to earn money at the condition of illness also spends money to get well.

There is discrepancy in the earning of people in the world, As per the study, 95 % people of the world are earning 5 % of the money and 5% people are earning 95% money. But above mentioned formula talks about value and time, a common is having limited value and time. We may utilize maximum 24 hours in a day and can have limited skills. With limited time and limited skills we can earn only limited money then point arises how a businessman is earning more. Obviously he/she is increasing time by adding more people times in his/her time.

Every new work or concepts faces difficulty in life and passes through four stages: 1. Rejection, 2. Luxury, 3 Requirement, 4 Necessity

In rejection phase producers apply forces and customer opposes while in luxury phase customer opts just for interest but last two phases compels customer to buy idea, service or goods.

So dream and prepare plan of action and follow plan in disciplined manner. One can get fame and money in first 2 phases of journey. 


Dr. Avinash Dwivedi

Professor CSE






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