Work from Home – Ecstasy or Misery

 Working from Home is like heaven or a blessing.  Saying is “Too much sweet makes poison to health”.  Though working from home is ecstasy, it also has numerous melancholy in one’s life.

The culture of working From Home has become mandatory for any working personnel throughout the world due to the pandemic situations of Covid -19, a virus outbreak that has threatened human lives since Dec 2019.

The phenomenon of working from home did not exist in the Indian context. Only very few companies offered their employees the concept of WFM. It becomes the trend for all the employees of multinational organizations, educational institutions and organizations to continue their jobs online.

In the initial stage of work from home, it was bliss for all working individuals. Being at home, one could take care of all the activities simultaneously office work along with tasks at home. Women employees at all levels have got a great benefit and enjoyed the facility of work from home, particularly those with toddlers and young children.

According to Gartner’s recent survey, more than 70% of the employees are willing to continue their work only from home.  Whereas, Tsedal Neely, Howard Business School, in her book “Remote Work Resolution: Succeeding from Anywhere”, states how you could make your remote work more effective, mentioning the issues like trust-building, working swiftly with team members. 

She also quoted that those who are availing the remote work enhanced the commitments and responsibilities in their jobs.

Many companies have started to hire employees to work remotely. It reduces all their expenditures like renting the office place, maintenance,  conveyance, fuel charges, electricity etc.  Remote work / Work from Home, though sounds sane also have many drawbacks to sustain. 

The joy derived from the concept of work from home could be listed as under:

  1. It saves travelling time.

  2. Financial benefits

  3. Anywhere, any time 

  4. No dress code

  5. Spending time with children and family members 

  6. You could create your own office space to work and not stick to a single table and chair like in the office

  7. Remove stress being at home

  8. You could cook fresh meals on your own in a healthy way and eat as and when required.

  9. Time to get to do yoga/walking/exercise 

  10. Career development

The miseries are,

  1. Gives a feeling of working more and beyond time

  2. Dissipate office hours

  3. Unstructured daily routine

  4. Lacking personal interactions with colleagues or friends in the office

  5. Missing parties and get-togethers in the office

  6. Health issues, being at home without any external exertion

  7. Disruptions in the internet connectivity / low speed, which impact the working progress or attending meetings with others on the working front

  8. Consumption of electricity is high.

  9. Being at home, feel isolated or lonely

  10. The inability to focus while working 

To conclude, to have a pleasant stay at home as well as to enjoy the work,  you have to mainly focus on your objectives, deliver the work on time, attend meetings as per schedule without any delay and learn online meeting etiquette, smile while you are talking and arrange proper audio-visual setup. All these would certainly make a difference in your working style and at the same time enhance your enjoyment in work.

Dr. Chandra Shaardha

Associate Professor & HoD,

Department of management Studies,

JEMTEC, Gerater Noida


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