Opportunities during Lockdown

 In the recent days we have learnt a lot of new words- Lockdown, Quarantine, Social distance etc. We all lived in the past two years two times in Lockdown and in some countries more than two times. Covid-19 has also raised the opportunities of touch less technology.

Daily in the morning we move to our offices and used different method of attendance. The methods could be attendance, thumb impression, RFID card, Bar code etc.Covid-19 has raised the opportunities to work on touch less technologies. In the past year we have seen touch less temperature scanning machine, before Covid-19 we were not using this machine in general.

Now a day’s almost every organization has at least this touch less technology. Similarly in near future we will see that our attendance will be taken through touch less technology whether it is taken by finger scanning without touching the machine, face scanning machine, iris technology, wave movement or any other method. So there are a lot of opportunities raised in this field.

We have also observed that students are studying through online medium by using different online tools like Zoom, Cisco webEx, Microsoft Team, Google Meet and other similar software. Teachers are providing online classes, webinars, FDP etc through these tools.

This whole scenario provide us a platform how we can expand our self to reach any parts of the world. Earlier even the technologies exists but we  were not familiar to such type of  technologies and now we have seen that education can also be provided through these medium. Covid-19 provides us opportunity to the expansion in the direction of online education.

Educational Institute can also think in the direction to provide online education to the students who are sitting very far and not able to go to school they can also get quality education. However, in India online education has started earlier but the huge usage of online education has been tremendously seen in the Lockdown period.

Human is such type of creature who seeks opportunities in pandemic also. I pray to God to remove the pandemic so that world can be re-established as it was earlier.

Surendra Kumar Pathak



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