Post Covid19 repercussion on learners and its impact on placement


The Covid-19 pandemic has caused disorder in almost every field responsible for the development of the nation, whether it be the industrial sector, agricultural sector, or education department the pandemic has caused a hullabaloo and has brought the globe to a standstill. This event on a scale of destruction and consequences would be regarded as a historical event of the century. The pandemic has also caused a gross impact on the placement sector of newly graduated youngsters leading to involuntary unemployment which has jeopardized the economy and humanitarian needs. Some organizations are trying their best to maintain both the economic growth of the sector and the humanitarian needs of the youth seeking employment. The various aspects of unemployment and a hit on the placement sector caused by the covid 19 pandemic are the focus of this writing.


The pandemic has caused economic strain to industries as the lockdown in different parts of the country imposed time and again lead to a standstill and because of which it's next to impossible for the companies to pay salaries to their employees or to hire new employees as their source of revenue is on the lower side. A new trend of slashing the salaries of previously hired employees has been observed. The impact is worst for small-scale businesses and industries. The situation portrays that hiring a new employee during retrenchment times is difficult for the companies causing a huge disorder in the placement sector. How a focused approach towards availing opportunities can give students a head start. There have been recessions and slowdowns in the past as well but neither recession nor slowdowns have ever halted recruitments completely. Whatever the phase, a student should have a realistic approach and should strive hard to extract the best out of the opportunities present before them.

There are three kinds of companies based on the placement dynamics. First, those which are willingly providing campus placements to students for example -WIPRO, Google, TCS, Tech Mahindra, PepsiCo, PayU with the change of situations, these companies are also changing their way of recruitment and training process and has shifted to virtual meetings and conferences.

 Second, those companies which are delaying offers made to the students who mostly belong to banking and insurance services as they can't just rely on technology change to work with the same productivity as before.

Thirdly, those who are inclined to withdrawing their offers which have been provided by them to students like international MNCs because of restraint in locomotion between counties.

How to overcome the mental glitches during pandemic-

Even at unprecedented times like these staying productive is paramount, a student should keep himself busy at all times and should use the time at doing productive and fruitful tasks. Some activities can help a student to stay productive.

1. Understand your career interest ~ before heading to any sector a student should understand his/her career interest, as freshly graduated students most of the time find themselves stuck in a predicament of choosing the right career option, this time can be proved helpful for students to have a contemplation about their strengths and weakness about their career. Alumni lectures and crowd-sourced research can help the students to have a better and clear understanding.

 2. Presentation of point of view ~ the most important quality a student should possess is the presentation of ideas in the most articulate conviction. Articulating an opinion in a group, with confidence and a pleasant demeanor is a skill to be practiced. This confidence will help in group discussion rounds and interview rounds during the placement season. Conversion groups can help the students in serving the purpose.

 3. Be interview ready~ a student should be interview ready so that when your idle company allows the hiring of employees you would have an easy way in, a student should be prepared in advance. They should build their narrative and their profile to present before interviewers and also should prepare questions that are most likely to be asked by the interviewer. Reflective writing and mock interviews would help the students to be interviewed reading and face any question in front of them.



 1. Face reality~ a student should not have ambiguous ideas and should never be overconfident; they should be prepared that they may or may not get placed in 2021’s placement season. They can just utilize this time to their best by improving their skills

 2. Skill development~ neither the recession nor any standstill ever could completely divert recruitments. Some or other companies are always in need of skilled employees, so students should upgrade their skills.

 3. Virtual employment ~ because of the virus spread and lockdown at most of the parts of the nation, companies are shifting to virtual employment so students should welcome this changing trend without waiting for the right opportunity for working in traditional ways.

 4.  Be attentive~ at these times students should be more attentive and focused. They should keep a track of companies hiring employees and should write to as many firms as they can. In this way the negative aspects of pandemic can be reimbursed.


These times have proven challenging to almost every sector of the economy and mostly the placement sector. New graduated youngsters have no option other than sitting at homes idle because companies have reduced their placement of new employees up to a greater extent however there are certain ways which can help students at these times like focused and attentive approach, reflective writings, alumni lectures, developing skills, and writing to as many firms as they  can which are open to employment because no matter what time and situations some companies are always looking for skilled workers and employees.


Assistant Professor

JEMTEC, School of Law, Greater Noida


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