There is a famous proverb that ‘Health is wealth’ which basically means health is the money and prosperity. The definition of health is a state of a person physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing. For good health, we must take food that contains all the nutrition. A balanced diet is important to make us strong. We must eat more and more vegetables and fruits and avoid junk/fast food. Health and fitness are a state of being healthy both physically and mentally by doing exercise,yoga,meditation and having proper balanced diet. If a person is fit then it also helps him/her to perform task in more effective and innovative way. Being healthy and fit can help to increase concentration and overcome stress.

If we are healthy,there are less chances to get caught by any diseases. A healthy person can fight through many diseases easily as in present when everyone is fighting from pandemic i.e., Corona, health is most important for each and every person. Regular physical activities, routine exercise, yoga and meditation is very necessary for each and every person of all age.

Healthy person is a resource to increase the economy of the country.Good health affect economic growth in many ways. For example, it increases the production of companyby reducing illness of workers, reduce poverty, increase life expectancy, improve government finance, and it lowers absenteeism rates and improve learning among school children.

There are two type of health mental and physical, to get physical health we perform many exercises like walking, cycling, swimming, etc., for the mental health we should focus on moral education and all ideal things, meditation, reading books that provide some moral values. For being healthy a person should take a proper sleep of eight hours that helps to boosts immune system and mental health. If we want to improve our health we should take food with high fiber, low fat, high protein, vitamin and mineral. For a healthy body and mind, one should drink at least eight glasses of water in a day as it hydrates our body and is also good for our skin health. A healthy and fit person always have a positive attitude towards life and they live life easily and happily. Health and fitness bring happiness in the life and helps a person to live stress free life with full of joy and positive attitude.

Benefits of being healthy and fit is firstly it slower your heart rate i.e., blood pressure, make you calm like an ocean, helps you become more organized and look more attractive, lower risk of dangerous disease like cancer, helps to years off your life at the cellular level and helps to be energetic. Health is affected by birth also. All mothers take nutritional food during pregnancy tine so that her baby get good health during birth. Mothers feed their child for six months, it is the major factor of good health.We must take care of our health as ‘A good health is above wealth’

By:  Kalpana

Assistant Professor,BCA Department


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