We need more bahuguna to battle the adversaries of the climate


Just as Mahatma Gandhi's role in freedom from the British has been important, Sunderlal Bahuguna's contribution in creating the infrastructure of mass movements against the enemies of the environment is extraordinary. In the 70s and 80s, Bahuguna was the only warrior who voiced the pain of the forests from the air of our cities to the poisonous forests. They stood in front of the ruthless system that believed that air, water, land, forest, mountains were all hostageto him.

Bahuguna used to say: Not only fight against such wicked people but also win. The enemies of the environment are coming towards the mountains with axes, so play the nagada of anger. Save generations along the mountains. This was the goal and message of his entire life.

The pre-independence movement of Bahuguna, the coup of tehri state, the journey of being an environment friend and Padma Vibhushan are well known. I will talk here about his thinking and vision for the environment. Which has, unfortunately, never been on the agenda of any Government or administration. For example, his 84-day historic fast against tehri dam in Delhi was not just a movement to scare the system. For the first time, it waged war in favour of the environment and the earth, forest, mountain came to Parliament.

For the first time, the world saw a thin hill hit an unarmed system and became a symbol of resistance. For the first time since Gandhiji, bahuguna, who had gone on such a long fast, became the Gandhi of the environment. Gandhi was against the British rule and bahuguna against the environmental opponents. It was this fast that gave a message to the world that governments will decide for themselves how the Himalayas will develop, not our mountains and rivers.

The Himalayas remained the karma Bhoomi of the beautiful Red Bahuguna. Not only was he the hero of the Chipko movement, his opposition to the big dams in the Himalayas was not based on documentary evidence alone. Few people know that he had a godly faith in the Himalayas. They considered the big dams to be an attack on the Himalayas. Their fight against bulldozers running on the mountains to make electricity was against looting the Himalayas in broad daylight.

Bahuguna made many predictions about the mountains. I was also a witness to many of them. Whenever I met him as a journalist, his direct message was, "Let nature flow through your rhythm, don't put it in the tunnels." If nature takes a turn, you will not be anywhere. Today, every year's accidents are the same reactions of nature that Bahuguna quoted years ago.

The question of why environmental thinking is necessary is not new. The philosophical thinking and approach of old and new environmentalists on this issue rests on the political groove. But Bahuguna took the environment out of sight. He used to say that there is no scope for favouritism in the environment. Political and social equality will save it.

They will win the battle for change against toxic air only if the society is supported, the behaviour of governments is humble towards the environment. In bahuguna's view, environment is an issue of national security. Trees are our capital and every patriot should stand up against those who rob them in the name of progress.

Environmental protection is not just an emotional discomfort. Environment is the sociology of life. Silence on this issue is unacceptable. The rude, timid and ruthless system cannot save the environment. The representatives of the people's movements understand the pain of the dying seasons. Just as hunger and corruption do not allow us to sleep peacefully, a few drops must come out of our eyes when trees, mountains, rivers and ponds die.

This is also the meaning of being a Pasunderlal Bahuguna. His death is not just a period of passing. We need more 'bahuguna' to fight the enemies of the environment.


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