Short Article on crime against women

 “Violence against women isn’t cultural, its criminal. Equality cannot come eventually, it’s something were must fight for now”- Samantha Power.

In this modern era, women’s are no more considered to be the weaker sex but the reality is harsh and very different. The roots of violence against women nourished from different organs like cruelty, dowry harassment, marital rape, outraging the modesty through voyeurism, physical aggression, burns, hanging, emotional abuse, etc. According to the National crime record bureau reports 2018, each day 21 women dies due to dowry harassment and the conviction rate is 35% , Uttar Pradesh had topped in the list where  only 56,011 cases was reported. The sad irony laps into patriarchal mind of the society where we worship and admire women as MaaSaraswati, Durga,Parvati and Kali and on the other hand the we are solely responsible for abusing and outraging the dignity of the same women. This problem is hampering women’s mentally and physically and they are becoming weaker day by day. The law maker had successfully made harshest punishments even than the percentage of increasing crime against women didn’t fall either.Many factors like socio-economical, cultural and this male dominating society is the reason for creating inequality amongst the individuals


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