Past one year has been troublesome for all of us, at both, individual and professional level. As an educator it was endlessly tiring for all of us to deal with an entirely new facet of education. We were using online tools earlier also but not up to this extent. We have been left with no option with switching to online mode completely which was an entirely new experience for all of us. It was tiring not only for us but also for students. Online tools are effective only when they complement the offline classes.


The classes through these online platforms have provided a new paradigm to the education world today as it provides various opportunities to the students like attending the classes from distance area, maintain social distancing which is very much required in this pandemic situation.


Although, these classes provide a better way to learn but on the other hand, due to these classes only the overall development of the student is been hampered too.  Due to these classes, the social interaction of the students is getting nullified which is leading to slow development of inter-personal skills of the students. 


The physical growth of the child is also been a challenge due to online classes as due to these online classes the students are sitting before the screen for minimum 6-8 hours on a daily basis which is directly affecting their eyesight. 

There is no regular movement by the student during these online classes, which is also creating number of health issues in our young generation.

To be attentive in the online class, a student should be self-motivated and should be so much charged to listen and listen patiently.  It is very difficult on the part of trainer or educator to concentrate on the video of all the students while delivering the session as if the instructor is sharing the screen, he/she can’t view the video of all the students.  So the instructor can either deliver the knowledge or concentrate on the activities of the students and many students are just taking the undue advantage of this too.


When we talk about the small kids, they are not going to develop their motor skills properly, teacher can’t do any effort on their hand writing skills, the various values and ethics can also not be inculcated in these kids like sharing is caring, to take care of each other, giving respect to other fellows etc.


At last, it can be added only that these online platforms can be adapted for classes only if we are provided the offline classes too, otherwise the overall development of the next generation is on stake.  But definitely, this pandemic has forced us to do the same. 

I hope we will be free from this Pandemic i.e. COVID -19 very soon, and the students will be back to their physical classroom to attend the classes with their classmates.

I hope, sooner the day should come, when they all will sit together again to learn the things together.

In the hope of the best…..


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