Is it thy will that I burn again upon a pyre? Another test by fire to prove my Sanctity,




‘There will be blood’, she said

‘I’ll have my vengeance’, she said All is not lost

And all shall be won”.




The two greatest epics in history. If you want to hearsomething, you must listen to the endorsements of the great Mahabharata or the Heroic poem Ramayana. These two will educate you about responsibility, salvation, value and the realities oflife.

Mahabharata is a record of people with weaknesses. On the other hand, the whole Ramayana is a complement to the ideal person. Sita and Draupadi are the two heroines in this poem. In the epic "Mahabharata", Draupadi is portrayed as a very beautiful woman who is invincible from the beauty of any woman of her time. A woman with strong self-esteem, a curious girl, not a girl of the same age, an uncomfortable woman, complaining about the injustice of others, relatives and relatives. Sreshta naris (the most chaste woman) is the embodiment of all the feminine virtues of Hindu women. Devi Sita is also regarded as the incarnation of Lakshmi. Indeed, she is a perfect exampleof a woman possessing all the positive qualities that a traditional Indian woman should possess. She is the ideal daughter of her

parents, the ideal wife of her husband, and the ideal mother of twins. When we think of the images of Sita and Draupadi, we see that there is a kind of duality between them. Or by supporting Sita or Draupadi as a stereotypical Indian, we are really confused when you try to draw a parallel line between two characters. Sita is the daughter of Mother Earth; yes, you will never get rid of the inherited bag: Sita is calm, good atcollecting, and surprisingly obedient. On the other hand, Draupadi was born in the fire, he was cruel, desperate and refreshed. We tend to associate female virginity with female modesty. What are the similarities between Sita and Draupadi? Sita is a feminist because she bravely passed the litmus test. Is Sita brave enough to refuse to pass this litmus paper? Draupadi is a true feminist because she questions the actions of the Pandaren: she wants revenge; she wants revenge. She vowed that she would not tie her hair until Duryodhana was killed by Bhima. What really caught our attention was that the two characters were never afraid of trouble: both women accompanied their husbands in exile. Undoubtedly, they are all powerful people, not marginalized people. They are beautiful women that every prince wants to marry. They are all adopted by their parents, but they always think that they are their beloveddaughters.

These have strengthened the inner women, making them powerful women. Sita and Draupadi are the feminist icons of all modern women.


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