COVID-19 affecting Recruitment and ways to handle this Unfortunate Situation


The market is being affected by the COVID-19. The nation has entered a recession, which would have a major impact on how businesses recruit new employees. Many conventional practices, such as face-to-face job interviews, will now be replaced with more contemporary approaches.

Companies all over the world are devising strategies that enable their staff to operate remotely from home. The aim is to eliminate unnecessary travel and face-to-face touch. Job meetings have now been abolished.

We are living in exceptional times, but our businesses also have new recruits that need to be on boarded. It is difficult to have a better on boarding experience without meeting in person or providing a tour of the workplace. However, it is possible.

Layoffs result in a rise in the number of unemployed individuals, which is a very sad circumstance. As a result, more people would apply for work. Since businesses are creating less open vacancies, applicants may have to submit more open applications.

Candidate sourcing can become more complicated. If an individual is under contract with their current employer on a full-time basis, their desire to move would decrease. After the crisis, people would choose stability over instability. Around the same period, top stars who are concerned about future cuts at their current employers might be more receptive to new job prospects.

Methods for Managing Recruitment Processes During COVID-19

You have two choices: hold live streaming interviews or use filmed video interviews. What distinguishes them?

Live interviews via Skype, Zoom, and other similar platforms are possible. On the other side, registered interviews are a mix of both pre-recorded questions and the recruiter-generated answers make digital the materials that you will usually provide to an employee for their first day on the job.

You should build an online pre-on boarding procedure for your new hires instead of handling on boarding at the workplace. Create a digital copy of the materials you will usually provide to an employee for their first day on the job. A business culture handbook, staff recordings, or questionnaires for purchasing job software will all be included in the kit.

The best approach to do this is to use pre-on boarding tools that consolidate all of this knowledge into a single venue. You should also create a plan for the employee that leads them on a certain direction .Using email or obsolete recruiting tools to handle the recruitment phase is never a smart idea. Having new procurement software to help you sort through the volume of applicants while maintaining a fantastic employer identity is more crucial than ever during this crisis. People take your treatment of them quite personally.

You must be able to chat electronically with the recruiting staff and hiring managers, as well as maintain track of the applicants. Modern HR technology and artificial intelligence (AI) will assist you in automatically pre-screening applicants, communicating with them on how the recruiting phase is progressing, and ensuring that all knowledge is available to all stakeholders.

People spend their days at home working on their laptops. You will capture their interest with cleverly targeted advertisements.

We're both hoping that by the summer, things will be back to usual. What would you do to brace for that? We invite you to begin constructing your Talent Community. To encourage passive applicants to enter the Talent Community, use recruiting targeting strategies such as paying advertising, social networking platforms, and referrals. People are sitting at home and working on their laptops. You will capture their interest with cleverly targeted advertisements.

When the time comes to hire new employees, such as in the summer or autumn, you can have a ready-made list of qualified applicants from which to choose. Instead of beginning from scratch, you should email them right away. You'll save fuel, time, and commitment. Above everything, you are most likely to meet others who are a perfect fit for your real needs.


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