Smart Watches- Entangling the Human Wrist
days the gadget which is in growing demand is a SMART WATCH, day by day each
human wrist is getting entangled in it. Now the question raises why is it being
referred as entangling instead of being smarter, this is truly because we are
again becoming more dependent on electronic gadgets and instead of it acting as
boon, it is becoming more of a bane which we are not realising at this stage,
but we will realise it soon like we have seen and realised the impact of
increasing screen time on our body and life due to excessive usage of so called
smart phones.
has many advantages as it is designed in a way that it can do a lot of tasks.
Let us see a few functions and the actual role they play in entangling a person
and would make themselves deeply dependent.
They don’t just tell the time (Instead, they are acting
as a fashion statement or a status symbol these days).
A travel buddy right on your wrist (These
watches do show us path by delivering different vibrations to our wrist to tell us if
one should turn right or left when following directions, but one would never learn
directions and paths).
Finding a phone, key or device is even easier (So that people would never
try to be cautious about their own stuff, what if this watch is only lost!)
They work as a good fitness tracker (People are walking just to keep a count
on steps, but still it is good if they are getting indulged in physical activity,
though just to get it recorded).
Reply to messages & receive calls instantly (Again growing
dependency, but one notable thing that it is saving time in this busy era where
infants are even busy)
See your social media notifications (Getting connected with virtual
friends only)
You are even
connected while doing activities (When we are into physical
activities like running, cycling, swimming or any other form of exercise, we
might want to peek into our messages, calls or notifications. Sometimes it is
not possible for us to keep a phone with us in those activities, and it’s just
awkward and annoying when we do anyway. Here is where a smartwatch becomes
really useful!)
of advance features like you may unlock a mac with i-watch (no need to remember
passwords, in fact anyone who is wearing your watch may be able to unlock your
smart gadgets is not difficult, in fact the oldies have adapted and started
using them, but we need to handle these devices smartly and must not allow them
to handle us or our lives. Slowly we are getting entangled and are not able to
live a sustainable life while using such gadgets. We must allow any such thing
to overpower our own personality and specifically the teenagers who still are
in the phase of developing their characters and lives.
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