Self-Sustaining Lives: The Mantras


With increasing complexities of lives, there are several problems arising and surfacing for people from all walks of life. Problems like increased consumption of electricity leading to high amounts of bills, ill health, chemically adulterated food, poor quality of living, stressed lives and many more have been prevailing as a routine today. Lives have become unnecessarily complex and difficult and dependent upon external means of survival significantly.  

Alternatively, we must try to find out the ways which can be used to make our lives self sustained and self sufficient. We must be more dependent on natural resources rather can being dependent on limited man made endowments. Also, the natural sources are more reliable and offer more sustainability. They make our lives simpler and more convenient in the long run. There are several ways of doing so that this article will be describing. Some of the major ways to be adopted for self sustaining lives may include:

1.      Growing your own food through kitchen gardens, home gardens, own grown plants and vegetation, community gardens, planting edible lawns, etc.

2.      Using solar power instead of using non renewable sources. Solar power is an incredibly unending source that can be now used for running household appliances in very cost effective ways.

3.      Living off the grid by constructing houses that are self dependent in taking care of the waste, water supply and other necessities without much dependent upon external sources of help.

4.      Live a simple and frugal life by sharing and creating cooperatives for use of resources.

5.      Have simple and basic needs as more the needs, more the demand for commodities.

6.      Go back to basics like making candles, sewing and stitching your own clothes, installing rain barrels, etc.

7.      Use naturally available ingredients such as soaps to be made from natural products, food from whatever is locally available.

8.        Change and adapt your lifestyle according to conditions

9.      Cultivate relationships and give importance to people than to commodities.

The conclusion is ‘Simple can be convenient and beautiful. If followed for long can lead to a happy and sustained life.’


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