Role of a Teacher in Development of a Child


According to Aristotle, “Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.”

 Teacher is believed to be a person who not only imparts knowledge and learning in students but also can be a role model or inspiration and the one who succeed everybody’s dream.  In such a case, it is very important to understand the roles and responsibilities of a good teacher in the development of Learners.  Teacher is meant to teach each and every student equally without being biased. He/ She help not only in academics but also motivate to bring out the hidden talent within the students.

There is a lot that a teacher can do for students in spite of just academics.

1.     To impart knowledge equally:  The first and foremost duty of a teacher is to provide his or her pencil an equal and fare knowledge. He/ she should never discriminate students on the basis of caste, Creed, colour, gender, rich or poor, weak or smart.  A teacher plays a very important role in students’ lives and they notice every small thing. If a teacher themselves be biased with them it could affect the overall development of a child.

2.     To motivate students in achieving their goals: Teacher plays a very crucial role in development of children by motivating them to achieve their goal and thereby, facilitate the the element of development within them. The teacher is the one who can see the goals of a child -be it in academics or extra-curricular activities. She should always promote the good within them.

3.     To bring out the abilities of the pupils and provide them with opportunities:  It is the very important role that only a teacher could play that it is to promote the abilities and talent of young pupils. As some students are there who out of fear, do not disclose their inner wants for the talents in them. A teacher could assess them and provide them with ample of opportunities in which they good at, talk to their parents. A teacher should also promote activities like sports, dance, singing, dramatics etc., and provide them with the great opportunities ahead to shape their career.

4.     To facilitate all aspects of development:  There are many aspects of development  such as physical, mental or cognitive, emotional and societal etc.,

a)    Physical- A teacher can promote physical growth of a student by arranging activities which promote growth.

b)    Mental or Cognitive- A teacher has a vital role to play in mental growth by helping them  in the studies. Students who are unable to cope up with normal speed should be taken into consideration by a teacher and help them according to their need and use different methods of teaching for their ease.

c)     Emotional: A teacher should always be an emotional support for their students and handle and resolve their issues intelligently.

d)    Societal:  Teacher has effective teaching skills and has given quality education to all. Ultimately he/she is a boon for the society.


 In a nutshell, we can say that a teacher has major role to play in the overall development of a child not only in academic but also in other areas discussed above. They can be considered as guardian who gives a positive way to our life.


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