Product Review system using ML


Now these days, Machine Learning algorithm applied in all the areas. Just we can talk about online product review system, in this how we can give public review based upon the public feedback. All users only see the review of the product when he/she is going to purchase any items from online shopping. In these days, this system is very important for sailing of any products. How automatically feedback should be converted into the review system for particular products. So here engineers and researchers used ML algorithm based classification techniques which classify and converts the text into numerical format. This numerical format is converted into the rating of the online products. With the help of ML engineers and researchers have made a model which can perform these things in the online shopping websites. Also we can see this technique is not only for product also for review of best engineering college or best school in particular spaces. Not a least but at last we can say the review system can we successfully made because of ML approach.


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