First Aid Treatments for Common Injuries and Conditions


First Aid Treatments for Common Injuries and Conditions

The following topics contain first aid treatment suggestions for some of the most common injuries and conditions. Proper first aid or general actions may reduce major damages in human body.

Nosebleed: Pinch firmly in sitting position just above the nostril (soft part of nose) nearly 10-12 min. Do not sleep but lean forward and keep ice-pack at the bridge of your nose. Breathe through mouth only.

Major Cut: In case of wounds or major cut, raise the affected area above the heart level and remove the clothes from the point if possible to expose the damaged are. Remove the foreign body from the wound without disturbing much using clothe.

Epileptic seizure: Symptoms :-> Person cries, lose consciousness or fall.

Try to calm the patient calmly. Keep some soft cloths in the mouth to protect tong. Gently remove the food items present in the mouth if any. Protect the patient from any injury. Loose his/her clothe, keep something soft under the head.

Burns and Electric Shock: Heat burns (thermal burns):-> Cover the body with blanket(not of silk attached or nylon cover) or pour water.

Liquid scald burns (thermal burns):-> Pour cold water for some times for10 to 20 minutes but do not put ice at the burn area.

Electrical burns:-> Detach the person from the electric source and do not pour anything at the burnt area. Reach to doctor.

Heat Stroke: Shift the patient at cool place and remove excess cloths. Give cool water  to patient and sponge the body parts with cold water neck, armpits etc.

Paralysis (Stroke): Symptoms:-> In most of the cases, one side of the body gets affected and control goes down one side organs becomes weak or insensitive, vision becomes blurred, patient fails to speak correctly. Initial symptoms before its attack are sudden severe headache drowsiness, confusion or loss of consciousness.

Action :-> Loose clothes of the patient, keep in safe place, and raise the head slightly. Cover the patient to keep the body warm. Try to reach to the doctor without any delay.

Heart attack: Symptom :-> Pain due to acid reflux and heart disturbance is almost similar but uneasiness, sweating, pain in the left arm, jaw, neck or shoulder tell the differences. Stomach disorder, fainting, Shortness of breath are also possible.

Action :-> Symptoms are visible even two three days ago so do not ignore and try to consult doctor.  Get patient in conscious state. Before the person reaches a hospital, an aspirin tablet can lower the risk of clot formation. Red chili may also be kept under the tong. Experienced people may also give hands-on CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)    

Gallbladder Pain: Pain and inflammation towards the right side of the body under the ribs.

Symptom:-> Pain in the mid/upper back, Pain in the right shoulder blade, Chest pain, Sweating, Nausea and/or vomiting, fever, diarrhea, dark urine.

Action:-> Drink sufficient amount of water. Take care of liver. In case of pain use heating pad or hot clothe at the point of pain. Consume flaxseed drink or apple juice. In case of severe pain, consult doctor.

Diabetes:-> Diabetes is a metabolic disorder and it has been categorized into two types: Type 1 and Type2. In India, Type2 cases are more and India is becoming Diabetes capital. This is not a disease but is a cause of many problems. HbA1C test is the right test to know about this.

Symptoms:-> hunger increases, thirst, sudden loss in weight, frequent urination, blurred vision, extreme fatigue, sores that don’t heal, increasement in anger etc.

Action:> Improve metabolism, consume salad half hour before lunch and dinner approximately 0.5 % of your weight. Suppose your weight is 60kg then consume 300 gm salad 30 mins before lunch and 300gm before your dinner for 6 months. Brisk walk regularly for 30minuits.   

Slip disk : Symptoms:-> Back pain, numbness in lower part of body or in arms, muscle weakness, frequent tingling, aching, or burning sensations below ankle.

Action :-> Changing positions or shifting posture may reduce immediate discomfort. For example, laying on the back, with feet on a chair and knees at a 90-degree angle, can sometimes be quite comfortable for back problems. Apply a cold compress several times a day for no more than 20 minutes at a time. The person should avoid activities such as lifting or pushing.

Kidney failure: Symptoms:->Peeing occurs less, Swelling in lower legs(knee to ankle due to fluid),  feeling tired, breath problem, Itching or burn feeling, knee pain, sometimes Seizures or coma may occurs, Fever, Rash, Nosebleed also happens.

Causes of Acute Kidney Failure:-> Insufficient flow of blood to your kidneys(Causes could be An infection, Liver failure, Medications of sugar or Heart), Heart failure, Blood or fluid loss from the body due to dehydration.

Action:-> Take help of emergency service.

General Tips Take preventive actions: Walk atleast 2-3 km daily, Drink minimum 2.5 liter water daily even in winters and increase in summer, take proper diet, Improve your GIfunctions to stop any fatal disease. Do not stop and natural call. Care your Liver it’s your Jigar 


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